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this is the first time i've written about you in a year

i read those pieces of my heart,

remembering the pain i was trying to mask,

and cannot even being to stomach

how much i'd do for you

i would've moved oceans,

i would've dug into the deepest part of the earth

just to keep you warm

i would've one so much

but the worst thing i did for you

was rip apart my own heart

just to keep you happy

did that stop you from blaming me for what happened?

did that stop you from trying to guilt me to stay with you?

did that stop you from moving on not even a month later?

i was so stuck in the blinding sunset

was was our "love,"

i blamed myself for so much

i didn't want to paint you as the bad guy

in truth, no one was, 

but you took my future and

wrote yourself in so many times,

i started to take it as fact

i truly believed you cared about me

i truly believed we'd defy all odds,

you and i,

and make it

i think i was the only one that was in love with a person

you were in love with my love

because you couldn't love yourself

i finally took that back,

and i hope to give it to someone else

so goodbye,

i hope i never

see you again


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