Akari: The Mall Part 3

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It was so fun! Hanging out with Kizuka is a blast! Also, finding out that he wears glasses? That was really funny! I just can't wait until we have the picnic together! We finally look at one more shop on the mall. It's a small shop full of random things. I take a look around. After looking around in there, Kizuka come up to me holding a plastic bag. "Um.... I got a gift for you!" He holds out the plastic bag. I peer inside it. In the bag, is the most beautiful, yet simple brooch that instantly became one of my favourite accessories. I smile widely. "I also have a surprise." I take Kizuka outside. "Let's go to the park." "Why?" I hold up the picnic basket. "This is why." We start heading towards the park.
*At the Park*
I walk with Kizuka along the trail when I see a couple, holding hands. I blush. Should Kizuka and I be doing that to? I guess Kizuka thought the same thing, because soon enough, he laced his fingers around mine. I tried not to think about if my hand was sweaty or not. We find a nice spot, and settle down. Kizuka helped me with the picnic by setting up the blanket. I set up the food. Soon, we had a whole feast in front of us. We dug in. Between mouthfuls of food, Kizuka said, "This is so delicious!" I smile. "Thank you!" Good. My cooking skills aren't that bad. Soon enough, everything was gone, devoured. We lay down, pointing at the different shapes of the fluffy, white clouds. It's been a great day. After a while, we get up and head home.
My name is Akari Hoshigawa and THIS has been a great day!
Author's Note: Yay! The series of the cute chapters are finished! So proud...

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