Chapter 17: Where's Dylan?

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Chapter 17: Where's Dylan?

Melissa's POV
It's been another month and spring break is officially over. I can't believe we are getting close to the end of the school year. Now I just have to worry about finals and passing the class. I have no idea what I'm doing this summer, but I know what my brothers will be doing.

They decided after 6 years of hiatus they were finally going back together as a band. Never in a million years did I thought my brothers would come back together as a band and I have been with them since they were signed, although I was a baby and toddler through their journey.

It took Joe a while to think about this, because he had another band to worry about as well, DNCE. But the boys decided they can still work on their solo projects while being in a band.

They were gonna be filming a documentary mostly this summer but us as family had to keep this secret for a while. Which will be hard on one of my family members because they can be a blabber mouth, and it isn't me. I couldn't even tell Harley or Dylan and we tell each other everything especially Harley.

We have been friends since the start of 7th grade when we had to make a group project together. Dylan and Harley were the only true friends I have, speaking of Dylan where the hell is that boy, I haven't heard from him in forever.

Melissa: Harley, do you know where Dylan is?
Harley: I have no clue, I haven't seen him since Valentine's Day
Melissa: has it really been 2 months?! (It's May now) I feel so bad for ditching him lately
Harley: me too
Melissa: how about we convince him to hang out with us this weekend, just the 3 of us
Harley: yeah! That will be totally awesome!

We went to go find Dylan and we found him in the news editor room.

Harley: hey Dylan!

Everyone looked at us and "shh!!!" Harley and us girls looked taken back. Dylan walked over to us and said.

Dylan: what are you two doing here during school hours?
Melissa: it's free period, we always hang out
Dylan: no you two always hang out, I've been here
Harley: what is this place?
Dylan: the news room, I'm head editor
Melissa: since when?
Dylan: since you two have completely ignored me and ditched me
Melissa: oh I'm sorry Dylan, we didn't realize
Dylan: yeah whatever, preach it to someone else who cares
Harley: wow harsh
Melissa: look we realize we have been ditching you lately, and we want to make it up to you
Harley: yep, this Saturday at Melissa's Place, movie night
Melissa: where gonna watch a bunch of classic scary movies
Harley/Melissa: ooo!
Dylan: yeah... no thanks
Melissa: how can you turn down scary movies! It's what we have been doing since we met!
Dylan: no, it's what the two of you been doing. Don't you see the partner here. Plus I already made plans with my new friends
Melissa: what new friends?
Dylan: these people all in here. That dude over their, is Tom he's the head of the sports column. The two of us really hit it off together at the batting cage it's always been our thing. The girl over their, her name is Colleen, she's the head of the fashion column, also known as my future wife
Harley: get real Dylan
Dylan: fine... but we have been hitting it off with talking and stuff we sometimes go to the art museum just to look at art
Melissa: wow Dylan, we didn't realize we been missing out so much
Harley: yea, we are really sorry we have been ignoring you
Dylan: hey if you guys never done that, ya'll would have never pushed me to be here
Melissa: excuse me for a second *push Harley to the side* we have got to do something Harley, we are losing our best friend to these nerds
Harley: I know he's loosing it and basically replacing us with them. I'm not even sure if the fashion girl even likes him for being him. She looks like a hoe

The two of us looked over at Dylan's crush who was wearing her uniform outfit improperly, which I'm pretty sure is against the school dress code. She basically looked like the school slut in that uniform. You can see past her butt too.

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