Chapter 20: 4th of July

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Ahhh yay finally Chapter 20, let's go!!!

Chapter 20:

Melissa's POV
It was July now and my family and I had the Fourth of July party at the family restaurant. My dad decided to close the shop down so we can have family only time.

Frankie and I helped out setting up the party. When everyone came, dad introduced me to his family that I have never met before. They were a bit surprised by me for some reason, but welcome me to their family. I met some of mom's college friends and they said all of us should hang out together so we can talk more and maybe go shopping.

I was okay with it because I know how much this means to my mom because she always wanted a daughter and I'm glad to be filling that in for her.

I invited Harley and her family since dad said it was okay since he is good friends now with Harley's father.

Harley and I were just goofying around making Tik Tok videos when Nick and Joe came over.

Joe: girls, what are you doing?
Melissa: making Tik Tok videos, what does it look like Joseph
Nick: Mel, cool it. Joe was only asking
Melissa: sorry...
Joe: keep it up with the attitude, and that phone will be gone
Melissa: that's not fair

Joe gave me a look and I sigh and kept my mouth shut.

Joe: be good, and go interact with the family members, stop always being on your phone
Melissa: everyone else is on their phone, and you don't take away theirs
Joe: maybe that's not a bad idea, come with me Nick

They both walked away and went to get Kevin, Kevin looked over at us and all three of them walked into the house.

Melissa: what did I just do?
Harley: I don't know, but it looks like your brothers got something planned
Melissa: please kill me now, before they murder me
Harley: I don't think they will murder you Mel
Melissa: they might *grabs phone from the floor and looks at the video* ugh this wasn't cute enough anyways
Harley: still post it
Melissa: why?
Harley: not all Tik Tok videos has to be perfect Mel
Melissa: that's true but if it's flopping I'm deleting it
Harley: *rolls eyes* of course

After I posted the video, I went on twitter and wrote.

"My brothers are so annoying 🙄 but anyways Happy 4th" - Melissa Jonas

That tweet got a lot of attention from the fandom after I waited for a couple minutes. A bunch of people replied thinking I was just joking, when in reality I was being serious.

A couple minutes later, I got quoted by Joe Jonas account.

"Get off Twitter now if you think we are being annoying"- Joe Jonas

My eyes widen, I think that was just Joe trying to get my attention because I haven't been paying attention to my surroundings. A bunch of people thought Joe was just joking around when others thought he was being serious.

Harley: Mel! Your brothers are trying to get your attention!

I look up and noticed my brothers looking at me.

Melissa: *smiles innocently* h-hi
Nick: phone

Nick said holding out the basket he had in his hand, and I hold my close to me.

Melissa: please! I'm sorry, I'll be good
Joe: doesn't matter, we are still taking your phone
Melissa: *pouts* how come everyone gets their phone except me?
Joe: don't worry their phones will be taken away. Hey everyone, listen up!

Everyone looked over at Joe and Joe said.

Joe: we will be taking all your phones, we are here to have family time, not to be on our phones all day. We want you guys to socialize with each other
Harley: what if we need to take pictures?
Joe: if you want to take pictures, you can grab the phone back, but you would have to put it right back afterwards. Plus we have cameras around us, so we don't need our phones

Joe was talking about the people filming for their documentary

Joe: also if you need to use the phone for business please take it inside

The family agrees with Joe and started putting their phones in the bucket and Harley did as well.

Melissa: Joe, what are we supposed to do without a phone?
Joe: there's plenty of things to do here, we brought board games and stuff so you can all play and have fun with each other

Melissa: *sarcasm* awesome

The boys walked away with our phones, and Harley said to me.

Harley: now what?
Melissa: hmm....
???: hey girls
Harley/Melissa: *turns around* Dylan!!!

We ran up to Dylan and hugged him and he hug us back.

Melissa: I thought you and your family we're going to see family for the holidays?
Dylan: plans been changed so they dropped me off here
Melissa: cool, wanna hang out with us
Dylan: sure, what's with the deal with no phones policy
Harley: you can blame Mel for that
Melissa: it's not my fault
Dylan/Harley: yea it is
Dylan: anything that involves you or your brothers fighting it's always your fault
Melissa: except the time when Nick didn't tell me about Pri, that wasn't my fault
Dylan: oh yeah, I forgot about that one
Harley: I can't believe we go back school next month already (a/n: they go back to school in August)
Melissa: I know, time flies when you're having fun or being grounded
Dylan: you just can't stop getting in trouble can you Mel
Melissa: well my best friend is my bad seed
Harley: hey!
Melissa: well it's true, my dad did tell me that, you were being a bad influence on me once
Harley: well he isn't wrong with that. You were such a good girl until I came into the picture
Melissa: I know right, we are bad to the bone
Dylan: *roll eyes* explain to me why I'm still friends with you girls?

The two of us laugh and Dylan joined in, maybe Joe was right about the phone, we actually didn't need our phones. It was fun to socialize with our family/friends instead!

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