Chapter 30: Thanksgiving

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30th chapter, half way to finishing this series! I really love writing this story, if you want a book 2, let me know!

Chapter 30: Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving, the most neglected holiday after Halloween because everyone always talks about Christmas and gets into the Christmas spirit without considering Thanksgiving even tho it's an American holiday. Thanksgiving isn't just about food, it's about giving thanks back to others and being their with your family. Which is what I love about the holidays because everyone so helpful.

I was at Danielle and Kevin's house for Thanksgiving this year since Danielle is the host. Usually my mom host it, but now that everyone growing up and having their own family they decided to host Thanksgiving.

I was in the girl's playroom playing with my nieces, I was messing with the filters on Snapchat with Valentina who is currently 2 years old now and she loves playing with these on my phone. She can talk, but not as well as Alena who is such a blabber mouth like her daddy. Sorry Kevin...

Valentina: Melly, how come you don't look like daddy?
Melissa: what do you mean?
Valentina: you don't look the same
Melissa: that's because I'm adopted
Valentina: what does adopted mean?
Melissa: let me put this in term that a 2 year old can understand, it's basically mean that your dad isn't my real brother
Valentina: *gets teary* so you're not my real aunt?
Melissa: oh don't start to cry Valentina, I'm legally Kevin's sister since Papi signed the papers
Valentina: what does legally means?
Melissa: it means that Papi has all rights to me, and no matter what happens I will always be your aunt and nobody gonna take me away from the home
Valentina: that's good! Because I love you lots!
Melissa: I love you too *kiss top of her forehead*

Kevin and my dad came in to see what was going on.

Kevin: hey you 3 what are you doing
Melissa: just talking
Valentina: daddy? *gets off her lap and goes over to her dad*
Kevin: *lift her up in his arms* yes baby?
Valentina: auntie Melly said that she's adopted, is that true?

Kevin looked at me as well as dad and I said.

Melissa: in my defense she asked me why we don't look the same. I had to say the truth
Dad: you didn't tell her the whole truth did you
Melissa: of course not, I'm not stupid
Dad: relax honey, I didn't say you were
Kevin: did she answer all your questions sweetie
Valentina: there's still one I haven't asked her about yet
Kevin: what?
Valentina: I was gonna say if Papi isn't her real daddy, what happened to her mom and dad

I froze at the question and got a little teary in my eye, dad and Kevin noticed and Kevin said.

Kevin: uh... Valentina let's not bring that up in front of your aunt, she gets a little emotional about that
Melissa: *pouts* I do not!
Kevin: you do too, and I will tell you when you're more older, because right now you're too young to understand
Valentina: *frowns* okay...

I wish I can tell her more, but she still a baby and too young to understand the dangers of drugs.

Kevin: alright you 3 time to go wash up dinner should be ready soon
Melissa: I'm surprised you two aren't watching the game downstairs with the guys
Dad: we were forced to come up here
Melissa: let me guess mom and Dani
Kevin: correct, come on girls

We went into the girls bathroom to wash our hands before heading downstairs.

After our Thanksgiving dinner, we hung out downstairs, took a couple of family pictures for our Instagram. I did a couple of appriposte Tik Tok videos especially the new trendy ones in front of my family, or else the boys would have took my phone away if I done anything inappropriate especially in front of them.

I love being with my family for thanksgiving, and it's rare that this ever happens with the boys busy schedule. Since the boys will be on tour next year, we decided to do one last thing before we all rarely see each other.

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