Chapter 26: It's My Birthday And I'll Cry If I Want To

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I'm a little late on Mel's birthday chapter, but here it is in honor of her birthday yesterday!

Chapter 26: It's My Birthday And I'll Cry If I Want Too

Melissa's POV
I looked at my watches and counted down.

Melissa: 3...2...1... *looks herself in the mirror. I'm officially 14!!! Can't believe next year is going to be my Quinceañera. I got a call from Harley wishing me a happy birthday, and I text her back saying thank you. I got a Happy Birthday from Dylan and my other friends in school including Gia. I waited for my other family members to wish me a happy birthday, but they never did. Hmm... it's only midnight anyways. Hopefully tomorrow I get to wake up to my birthday breakfast in bed.

The next morning, I woke myself to get ready for school. That was strange my parents didn't burst into my room to wish me a happy birthday with my birthday breakfast.

I headed past Frankie on my way downstairs after I got dress for school and Frankie said.

Frankie: hey
Melissa: (thinks: maybe he didn't forget)
Frankie: did you see my controller anywhere?

Of course he did...

Melanie: *disappointed* uh... no, sorry..
Frankie: it's okay, thanks anyways *leaves*

I looked shocked. No Happy Birthday? Of all people! I didn't expect Frankie to forget my birthday, you know what screw him! Let's go downstairs to my birthday breakfast.

When I made it downstairs, I found nobody in the kitchen, not even my mom making breakfast. This is so odd! I made sure my parents never forget my birthday. I wonder if they're throwing me a surprised. Look around for them, nothing. I checked the table for a message and found one.

Hey Melissa & Frankie,
Sorry we had to leave home early, something happened at the restaurant that needed our attention. Will be home by dinner tonight.

mom and dad

I sigh. Thanks for nothing. Maybe they're throwing me a surprised party at the restaurant! That's even better. I should probably act surprised if that's the case.

I finished my breakfast, and told Frankie I was leaving.

Frankie: hey! I almost forgot!
Melissa: yeah? (Thinks: please remember my birthday)
Frankie: I found the controller, it was under my bed the whole time
Melissa: *disappointed* oh... I gotta go to school
Frankie: see ya kiddo

I sigh and close the door behind me. Maybe he did forget my birthday. I headed on the bus, and sat with Harley and we were sitting across Gia and her crew.

Girls: Happy Birthday!
Melissa: thanks guys, at least you guys remember
Gia: what's the matter scrub your parents didn't wish you a happy birthday
Melissa: they weren't even here this morning, they had to go to the restaurant
Harley: *shrugs shoulder* maybe they forgot, and are planning to celebrate your birthday later
Melissa: we always do a birthday breakfast, since the day I was born. It's been tradition even after my mom died
Harley: I don't know Mel

I sigh and lay my head on her shoulder, and she put her arms around me.

After school, I checked my messages and I noticed that Sophie, Dani and Pri both wished me a happy birthday, but none of my brothers did yet, which is bit odd, because their wives/girlfriends knows about my birthday over my own brothers.

I sigh and noticed my parents were home early, and got a little excited, and ran inside to except a surprise, only to find my mom in her reading glasses at the table on the computer.

Mom: hi sweetheart
Melissa: *fakes smiles* hey mom
Mom: how was school today?
Melissa: oh... just peachy
Mom: well go do your school work
Melissa: okay... where's daddy?
Mom: in the kitchen

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