13: Creeper

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“Wanna come over?” I stilled. Come over? To Mike’s house? ALONE?

“Your parents home?”

“Nope. Still on that traveling-missions thing. I think they’re in Texas or something.”

“Gee, Mike I don’t know.”

“Logan and Bella are still here. Please? I want to see you. Heck I haven’t seen you since you, I don’t know, STOOD MY UP AT THE COFFE SHOP.”

“It wasn’t a date, dimwit!” I stick my tongue out at the receiver. “And we’ve Skyped like ten times since January!”

“Not the same. I’ll even pick you up.”


“How about I’ll take you somewhere instead?”

“Not your house?”

“Not my house.”

“Okay. Deal.”

“Go get dressed-preferably not something you don’t want to get wet in. See you in a wink, Birdie.”

“What?” I was too late-the phone clicked in my ear, and soon all I heard was the dial tone.

I mulled over what Mike had said for a minute-something I don’t want to get wet in? Well then.

I threw open the glass doors of my closet (which was pretty meaningless since they’re glass doors but still) and checked my clothes for something to wear. I shouldn’t be over thinking this, but why did it feel so much like a date?

First things first I changed into a bathing suit-a two piece, with the bottom a pair of white and black striped shorts and the top a halter bikini that was pure white. It didn’t tie in the back (I’m not that stupid) but it was a thick gold clasp. I shimmied into a pair of black shorts to keep going with the black and white theme and threw on the over sized tee I’d been wearing before. I grabbed my light blue short raincoat, braided my hair into a sloppy braid over my shoulder, and for a finishing touch, placed my old 3D glasses on my nose. Man I love those glasses.

The last thing I had to do was call Damien so he wouldn’t freak out.


“Hey Jenny Wren.”

“When are you getting off of work?”

“I’m not sure, maybe around six or something.” Good. “Why, whats up?”

“You remember that kid I told you about?”

“Mike Andrez?” his tone became more serious. “Did he do something to you?” Naw, but I wish he’d kiss me. I wouldn’t mind him doing that to me. Wait, where did that come from?

“Nope. Just wanted to tell you that’s he’s taking me out somewhere.”


“I don’t know, it’s a surprise!”

“I dunno, Rennie.”

“Don’t pull that on me. You told me yourself that you knew Logan.”

“Logan and Mike are two separate people. Rennie, do you trust him?”

“Why do you need to know that?”

“You’re never wrong about a persons character.”

“Oh.” I thought about it for a minute, did a heart-search. “Yeah. I trust him.”

“Keep your phone on the whole time. Be back by five.”

“’Kay. Love you.”

“Love you too. Be careful.”

NEW LESSON OF LIFE-Boys tend to be late. It was 1:59 or something when I finally heard the knock on the door. I ran to the door and swung it open-then started giggling.

Mike was there all right-dressed in his bumblebee clothing. The same yellow ski hat he’d been wearing when I met him was pulled on top of his black as night hair, absolutely soaking. He had on a v-neck so light it was almost white green shirt and black gym shorts over his swim trunks, and I started full out laughing when I saw the trunks. They were the same color plaid as the shirt he’d worn on the first day-yellow, black and white. A jaunty grin was on his face and even though he was completely soaking and standing in the rain he looked really, really happy.

“Come in! Omigosh, you’re soaking!” I giggled, sweeping the door open. All qualms I had at being in the same house with him disappeared, gone out the window. 

“Thanks Birdie.” He stepped carefully inside and started dripping water all over the grey marble entranceway. Not for the first time did I thank God that not only were we on the second floor of the complex, but that we owned the condos on both floors, so I was greeting Mike at the door.

“You want me to get you a towel?”

“Naw. We’re gonna get wet anyway.”

“Okay.” I smiled at him and he chuckled.

“You’re nose scrunches up when you smile, Birdie. Did you know that?”

I blushed slightly. “I’m going to go get my phone-don’t go anywhere!” I completely ignored that last comment. Why was he interested, anyway?

Never Been Kissed: Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now