15: Sweetness and Light

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I refused to look at him. “You wish.” We changed direction, heading to the left. “Where the heck are you taking me, anyway?”

“Shhh. Trust me.”

“Been there, done that. I’m hungry, do have access to the-Oh!”

Mike had opened the door.

A pool, rather small, but still a pool was outside-I’d never known nor heard about it. Glowing lights lit up the small body of water and a little table with chairs and food was set up next to it. The table was adorned by a small vase filled with bluebells, and the entire area was shaded by a large awning-though you could see the rain outside of the awning none of it got into the pool or on the table with the food. It was beautiful.

“Now this is what I call a date.” I whispered; then on an impulse I reached up on my tiptoes and kissed Mike’s wet cheek. He appeared shocked for a moment, then he refocused on me and his eyes dilated.

“Don’t you dare show me up this time,” he warned, voice slightly husky.

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” I smiled at him and then ran for the table, leaning against it. I yanked off my t-shirt and threw my phone on the chair. Mike reached out a hand to stop me but it was too late; with a whoop I’d run and did a cannonball into the pool.

Mike chuckled loudly, then started to strip down to his bathing suit also. First off was the shirt. Oh. My. Gods.

You know how you see those guys and they look like they’re photo shopped, and probably are?  And then those dudes and Hollywood who get super buff? No, thank the Lord Mike is NOT one of them. Those dudes are so fake…Mike, on the other hand, has definition. A SIX-PACK DEFINITION. WHICH IS COMPLETELY AWESOME.

I think I almost forgot to stay afloat when I saw them.

Anyway, he ditched the over shorts and the sandals, but curiously kept the hat on. Whooping he joined me and I squealed, swimming away from him. Mike caught up effortlessly and grabbed my wrists. “Cookie Monsters gonna get you!” he growled and I shrieked again, laughing, wrenching my wrists out of his grasp, trying to get away.

“Cookie Monster doesn’t like the water!” I called, and splashed him. Bumblebee shook his head like a dog and growled.

“Beware the Cookie Monsters wrath!” I giggled and dove. The pool was super deep for some reason, so there was a lot of room for us both.

I opened my eyes and waved saucily at him underwater. He mimed a mad face and I fought the urge to laugh, covering my mouth, and raced away from him. Mike chased me, as I knew he would, and after several minutes caught up to me. We came up for air at the same time and I gasped. “You could’ve caught me a long time ago!”

“Ruins the fun,” he shrugged and grinned at me playfully.

I smacked him on the arm, smiling like a fool. I reached for his hat. “No hats in the pool.” I told him, and lay my fingers gently on the brim.

Mike’s endless depth that he calls eyes locked onto my own and held. Moving slowly, afraid to break the spell, aware of his face being about an inch away from mine, I gently slid the hat off. It dropped to the pools surface and Mike, moving about as slowly as I had, threw it casually to the pool side. 

Hypnotized, I placed my hands on his hair and dug my fingers into it. I closed my eyes in pleasure and I ran my fingers through his thick, smooth hair, not minding the fact that it was soaked beyond believe. I opened my eyes and just explored his hair, loving the feel of it against my palms and fingertips. I took a dare and let my finger pads travel to his forehead, then ghosted my fingers over his face, feeling his nose, his eyelids he cheeks…the closest to perfection I’d ever seen.

Mike was beautiful, and no one could ever tell me otherwise.

Heck yeah I was jealous. Jealous of every female who’d even managed to be in his presence for seventeen years. Mike was mine and mine alone. No touchee everyone.

“Whats your” I cleared my throat, it had gone suddenly dry. “What’s your full name?”

I couldn’t see the color of Mike’s eyes the pupils were so dilated.

“Carmichael. Carmichael Alexander Derriane Andrez.” He whispered, hands moving underwater to touch my waist and gently bring me closer to him.

“Carmichael.” I tried out the name. “Carmichael, Carmichael, Carmichael.” It felt good in my mouth, although I could think of other things I’d rather be doing with my lips than saying his name. “It suits you.”

“How so?” Mike’s left hand reached up and gently started to undo my braid. I was still feeling his hair, adoring the feel of it, and I felt like my heart was in my eyes. Watching him undo my braid was one of the hottest things I’d ever seen, no kidding. It had reached the point now, it was official. He was going to see my hair out. Monumental point in a Rennie-relationship.

“You’re deeper than Mike. It’s such an unassuming name. But Carmichael…” I gently tugged him closer. “I don’t know. It just suits you.”

“I think I like Bumblebee better.” Mike said hoarsely, and I couldn’t mistake the feelings swirling in his eyes. I’ll not name them, but what would be swirling in a typical teenage guys eyes in this position? Yep. You fill in the blanks.

“I thought you hated the nickname” I smiled softly, and softly wrapped my legs around his torso, desperate to get as close as I could to him. Gods, I was gone. He had my heart in his rough, beautiful hands.

“Naw,” Mike replied softly, gently, almost afraid. “When you call me Bumblebee-it’s the best name in the world.”

I closed my eyes in ecstasy and then our lips touched.

Never Been Kissed: Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now