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you were going over to the Curtis' house today to see Soda who was your best friend. he said his other friends, or his gang, was over and this would be the first time you would see them. you were excited and nervous. you walked quickly to the house and when you got there you stood at the front door for a little bit. you breathed in and out, trying to calm your racing heart. you finally got the courage to open the door. once you did you were greeted with his friends. they all said hey and soda walked up and hugged you. you hugged him back and as you hugged him you looked over his shoulder at the gang. they all went back to doing what they were doing except one. he had black hair, black eyes, a big scar on the side of his face and looked scared. he seemed to be scared of something and he was shaking slightly. he was tensed. you two locked eyes until your hug with soda came to an end. you smiled at soda and he smiled at you. he led you to the couch that the scared black haired greaser was on and you sat down next to him. you felt the awkwardness radiate off of him. it was absorbing into you, and you soon felt anxious and awkward. you could feel him staring at you from the side of his eyes. you watched the gang but always checked to the side of you, and sure enough he was still staring at you. you turned your complete body towards him and he seemed to jump a little and make a weird noise. you were taken back a bit. you were worried you had scared him, or seemed weird. you smiled a bit and he returned a weak smile back. you extended your arm and held your hand towards him.
"im Y/N. you?" you asked as you waved your hand in the air a bit. he looked at you, then your hand. he swallowed loudly and looked at you then again. his eyes were wide and his breathing heavy. he blinked once violently and took your hand in his and shook it.
"i-im johnny" he stuttered a bit. he took his hand back and put it into his pocket. he turned and looked straight forward once more. you pouted a bit and heard a low chuckle. you look over and see a tallish male with a cigarette behind his ear. he looked at you then at Johnny. he stared at Johnny and raised his eyebrows. Johnny sat back into the couch even more. the male looked at you again and stood up. he walked over and said,"You gonna make the move?" you blinked and started to blush. he chuckled and Johnnys feet slammed against the floor as he sat up straight. he gave a death stare to the tallish male and blushed a dark red. Johnny looked at you and shrugged.
"Cut it out Dallas". Johnny then said as he asked you if you were gonna make the move again. 'so his name's Dallas' you thought. you chuckled a bit and shook your head while looking down. you looked back up again and saw Dallas and Johnny giving glares at each other. Dallas looked at you again still glaring, then giving a sly smile.
"well it's obvious that Johnny likes you. i know when Johnny likes someone. make the move one of ya". said Dallas before walking away. you looked at Johnny wide eyed and he looked at you the same way.
"you like me?" you asked softly. he looked down a bit and nodded.
"im sorry. you're just so beautiful. i know we uhh.. just met and uhm.. its ok if you don't feel the same." Johnny said the last part with a hint of sadness in his voice. you gasped a bit and smiled wide. you put your hand lightly on Johnnys shoulder and he tensed up more. he quickly looked at you and he smiled a bit.
"Johnny. its fine, yeah we just met but.. like you too." you could see Johnnys eyes light up and he smiled really wide. he hugged you tightly and you returned with just as much love. you pulled away from the hug a bit and quickly went to put his lips on yours. you were taken back a bit. he didnt seem like the person to do this so quick. you started to return the kiss tho. you both pulled away after some time and heard a bunch of ooo's and cheering from the kitchen. the gang saw and was clapping. they kept that up for a minute until going back to what they were originally doing.
"wanna get out of here and go somewhere else?" Johnny asked as he stood up and looked down at you. you chuckled and stood up next to him.
"i'd love to." you answered as you started to walk of the house. before you walked out of the house Johnny yelled that you and him were going out for a bit. everyone answered with an ok. he stepped out before you and before you closed the door, you looked back behind you and saw Soda and Dallas looking at you, winking at you and motioning for you to go with Johnny. you smile and close the door behind you. Johnny was waiting at the bottom of the porch stairs and when you reached the bottom and smiled and looked down at your hand that was placed at your side. you both start walking and as you do you feel his smooth hand touch yours. you look at him and he then looks at you.
"can i?" he asked softly. you smiled and nodded. he nodded back a bit and took your hand in his. it fit perfectly.
and from that point on, you two became best friends, and soon after that, became a couple :)

i hope this was ok. i didnt really know what to do for this one. Sodapop's will be next :] sorry these are so long too. again sorry if there's any spelling mistakes.

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