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tokoyami had always been self-consious of his head and quirk. he felt like he was undesirable. he was often bullied. he met a frog girl named tsuyu ausi. she was perfect. she was sweet, funny, nice and really pretty. she had a really cool quirk in his opinion. she had a rather, intresting, and different voice but, not only did he not mind, but he sort of liked it. it suited her. and she suited him. she had stood up for him when it had got to the point that he was used to it. like getting use to the pain of a blade to your skin after cutting for so long. when she came into the picture, it made him feel the pain again. but with that came love. a sensation he had never felt for another human. he cared about people but not ever loved anyone. expecially not romanticly. you see, when two close friends say "I love you" they do love each other but It's a different love. It does not mean they have a crush on each other, It does not mean they are dating, it's not like family love, It's not like romantic love. It just is love. but loving someone romanticaly is a harder feelng to describe. sure, the concept is simple enough but the feeling, in real life is a crazy thing. (the odd thing is I've never romantiaclly fallen in love so It is weird writing this) It isn't like a crush or a perverted thing. It just...just is the feeling. not a feeling, the feeling. the feeling that creates life, destroys life, and is life. it is the feeling he felt for tsuyu.

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