16 Year Old Janae

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I came home from school and walked to my room. I was dog tired. I had some exams to study for and was not in the mood for any shit today.

My mama always gone she never stay home. She doesn't even know what her nasty ass husband be doing to me. I don't consider him my dad at all. My bestie dad is a dad to me.

He makes sure I have all that I need and my wants. He treats me like his daughter than my father has ever did. I don't consider him nothing but a nasty bastard.

My cell phone started ringing.


"Hey girl what you doing?"

"Just getting in from school. And you?"

"Same. What you doing for dinner?" Stacey asked.

"Nothing. Wassup?"

"You want to come over and eat with us?"

"Hell yeah. That up for questioning. My mom ain't here and I don't want to be home with his nasty perverted ass." Janae said.

"Ok well my dad gets home around 4:30. We will come get you then." Stacey said.

"Ok. I'll be ready." Janae said as she finished her conversation as hung of the phone.

She went and took her shower and changed her clothes. She did her homework and got it out the way. After finishing that she went downstairs to grab something to drink.

Going down stairs she was hoping not to run into her dad. She went and got a drink and started drinking it. As soon as she was about to turn around her dad walked in the house.

"Hmm. So you down here waiting on me I see."

"Man ain't nobody waiting on your nasty ass."

"You better watch your mouth with me lil girl." Demar said getting pissed.

"I don't care what you say. I'm sick of this with you. You took my innocence and you been doing this for years. Since I was five. You got a grown ass woman but you find pleasure in fucking with a kid. You just a nasty fucking bastard. And I can't stand you."

Demar walked to her and pushed her on the wall.

"And who the fuck do you think you talking to huh? I brought you in this world and I can take your ass out of it." Demar said as she tightened his grip around her neck.

"If you don't take your hands off me I know something. I'm not  five anymore and I can most definitely defend myself."

"And what you gonna do to me huh? I'll snap your neck before you can get a chance to even make that damn move."

Before she could respond back to him her mom called his phone. He looked down and looked at the caller ID. When he saw that it was Janet he let her go and cleared his voice to make like it was nothing going on.

"Heeyyy Baby. What you up to?" Demar said all cheerful.

"I'm missing y'all. What you guys up to?" Janet asked.

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