Dinner Talk

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We said grace and dug in the good. I can't lie I miss times like these with daddy Rick and Stacey. We did this everyday after school. He always saw about me being that my nasty ass dad only made sure he filled me up with his nasty ass sperm.

And to top it off he never wore protection. There was a time that I had to go to daddy Rick cause when I just turned 16 he got me pregnant. You already know I was not keeping that bastard child. He paid for me to get rid of it. I never told Demar ass.

That was the final draw for me. I was suppose to go to dinner with them and he came home before I got a chance to go. I snuck out anyway and when I came back her raped me once again. I couldn't take it no more.

And that was the night that I stabbed his ass to death. Yea I was scared as hell but I still did it. I called them when I staged the scene. I got his keys and left the house to never to return. I lived with them up to the time I graduated from high school. The detective closed the case.

They ruled it a burglary and murder. They never had any evidence to point to no one. At least that is what I thought. Now they are saying someone opened the case back and now they are pointing all hands at me. I really don't see how telling Trey will help me.

But one thing for sure I'm gonna do all I can to clear my name. I can't go to prison for this. After all he did to me I feel that I should be let off anyway. I mean come on. I was only five.

He took my innocence from me. He abused me days, weeks, months, years at a time. And there was my mom. Who didn't give a rat ass about me. You can't tell me she didn't know what was going on. What mom wouldn't?

She and I haven't talked in years either. I changed my number and my identity when I left. So she doesn't know where I am either. And to be honest I like it that way too.

"Kyra!!!" Daddy Rick called.

"Yes sir?"

"Girl bring it back in. You was way out there. I've been calling your name for the last two minutes." He said putting food in his mouth.

"I'm sorry. I was thinking about something."

"I see that."

"What was you thinking about so hard and long?" Trey asked her.

"It's something I want to tell you." She said to Trey.

"What's wrong? Is it something that I did or said?"

"No. It's not. It's time that I tell you about my past."

Rick looked at her and shook his head yes to give her the ok to go ahead and tell him.

"Trey my name is not Kyra."

"What you mean your name is not Kyra?"

"Just what I mean. My name is not Kyra Nova. It's Janae Smith. I'm not from here. I ran from Atlanta Ga."

"Why did you run? And why did you change your name?" He asked looking her into the eyes.

Janae sighed and put her head down. Tears started coming down her face. Stacey sat next to her and rubbed her back. Rick walked over and stood on the other side of her. He too comforted her. Trey saw this was hard so he didn't push too hard. He waited for her to continue.

"I was molested by my father since I was five. My mom is a lawyer. She was never home wit me. She left me home with his sick
ass all the time. He raped me up to the age of 16. I got sick of it and I killed his ass.

I left the house and moved in with daddy Rick here and Stacey. After I graduated I moved here. And that's when I changed my name to Kyra Nova. After changing my identity I started working for your father.

I staged the crime scene to look like a break in. I cleaned all the evidence up. At least that's what I thought. And that's why they are here now. They just informed me
that the case was reopen and now they are looking for me.

I can't go to prison. I feel that it was self defense. Which is was. Now they are saying that they have a warrant for my arrest.
Trey I can't go to jail. I just can't."

Trey just sat there and looked at her. He shook his head and then looked at Rick and Stacey.

"Say something young blood." Rick said to Trey.

"I knew it. This is why I didn't want to tell you." Janae said.

"You know what?" Trey asked.

"That you would judge me."

"Kyra I mean Janae I don't judge you baby. I get it. I would have killed his ass too. But now it makes sense why you wouldn't open up to me before. And I get it. I'm not going anywhere. His sick ass needs to be dead. I'll do whatever it is to protect you. I told you I got you." Trey said rubbing her hand.

Rick smiled and looked at Stacey.

"I told you I had a good feeling about him. But look young blood. I came up with a plan. I feel if you and Janae get married it will protect her. And it will be less of a chance for them to get her. What do you think?"

"I'm down if she is. I want us to work anyway. But the only thing about that is we just met." Trey said.

"They don't have to know that. Learn what you can about each other. We can back y'all in it all." Rick said.

"Are you ok with it Janae?" Rick asked.

She looked at them and said "I guess I don't have a choice do I?"

Will they plan work?????

Rick was right about Trey!!!!!

Trey is a good guy!!!!

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I will update this book when the reads hit 460.

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