This poem is written in english
If by any means, you, dear reader, are reading this
I must warn you about the dangers of the extensive reading of this writing
· Warning number one:
This contains long descriptions of the writer's deeper feelings
· Warning number two:
By any means posible, this poem must be kept secret.
For reasons I didn't allow myself to give
· Warning number three:
By any means posible, this poem must be shared with everyone
For reasons I didn't allow myself to give
· Warning number four:
If God is reading this, I stricly forbid you to do it.
· Last warning:
Strictly forbidden to read this poem on the lenguage it is written
You may resume your reading.
Basura en forma lírica
PuisiDesde el mismo comienzo del arte, hay gente que lo expone. Esto es eso. No mucho más que agregar.