Making it 7 Minuets Late

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Secondly, the thought that had nothing to do with the flaws of her outfit, Maka had completely forgotten to bring a pair of flats for after the dinner.

They were supposed to be going on a walk around the city after dinner but I guess the young meister would have to be cold through the dinner and have to go home before the walk started.

Maka let a sigh escape her lips as she shivered slightly, her hair standing up on her arms.

Soul glanced over at her waving his arms.

"You sure you're ready?"


Maka shivered again.

With red on his cheeks, Soul took off his jacket and wrapped it around his chilly meister, revealing his blue dress shirt underneath.

She grinned, thankfully, and pushed her scrawny arms through the sleeves.

Tsubaki coughed, just to get their attentions to keep moving, and BlackStar grinned goofily.

The albino boy grabbed Maka's hand and pulled her toward.

"Com'on," he urged, in a soothing voice.

The other two walked in front of Soul and Maka, as he intertwined his fingers with hers, squeezing them slightly.

He smirked at her as they walked along, the edges of his sharp teeth poking out through a grin.

Maka smiled in spite of his goofy self.

Soon all of them where on there way to the restaurant, smelling the breeze as the food's odors drifted by them.

This was one of Maka's favorite restaurants, she enjoyed coming here because it was a cozy little restaurant with her favorite type of food, Italian.

While that being her favorite, they had a lot of other things to eat too, including raw fish, which Maka hated.

There was just something about fish that she didn't like.

Whatever the reason, when they walked up to the door, there stood Liz, Kid, and Patty.

Kid was tapping his food like he was annoyed with them.


Kid mumbled under his breath, his bangs covering up his eyes so no one could see his disappointment.

At once his raven hair was removed from his face as he looked straight into Maka'a emerald eyes with his judgmental golden glare.

"You disgusting, filthy, piece of garbage. Do you know my favorite number and why I chose this time as the one for us to meet?"

【Group date night】SoulxMaka Soul EaterWhere stories live. Discover now