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I know it's short, but the next two parts are 3x as long so bear with me!


After discussions of their current careers, futures, pasts, mental health, some inside jokes, and even politics, Gerard realized he actually really liked Frank. That wasn't a good thing. You aren't supposed to pine over someone you jerk off to on a regular basis. Neither of them actually discussed whether or not they actually jerked off to each other, but Gerard figured Frank knew he did (considering how long he had been following him and how much of his stuff that he liked). They had each others' numbers too, but their main method of communication was Twitter DMs. They had facetimed each other five times and there wasn't any awkward silence. Gerard felt like he had died and gone to heaven, but at the same time he felt like he swallowed a fish whole and it was trying to swim in his guts. It seemed to frantically try to flop around every time Frank giggled or called him "Gee" over the phone.

On one hand, Gerard was thinking Frank would never want to fuck him. Frank isn't a rude person- he wouldn't just... tweet him with a derogatory comment saying, "when am i gonna be able to fuck that ass." Like... No. That wasn't who he was, and Gerard knows that, he respects Frank so much more now, but he also lusts after him.

He wasn't expecting anything, but in the following days Gerard had posted a tease of an ass-grabbing video and a couple selfies, hoping to any 'higher being' that Frank would notice it. He liked everything Gerard tweeted and even DM him about some of the jokes he would retweet.

Gerard, however, was not prepared for the attention he would get for a post he just made. It had been two weeks since he and Frank initially started talking. Gerard posted a small 30-second snippet of a video from his onlyfans account and captioned it with a teasing, "new video up now. subscribe to hear more of me ;)"

He had no idea that it drove Frank up the fucking wall. Gerard was lying with his face in the mattress, away from the camera, and his ass was in the air. He was wearing an oversized sweater so you couldn't see his face from that angle, but you could hear the soft mewls escaping with every thrust of the glass dildo inside of himself. Frank had to jerk off twice to that video, and while he didn't want to be weird, he really wanted Gerard to feel rewarded for his post.

So, obviously he was going to quote the tweet, "Please show this cutie some love. He deserves every bit <3 you look amazing Gee!"

Immediately he received a DM from Gerard.


im jk thank you so much youre so damn amazing to me frank i really enjoy you <333

Daddy Frank: you deserve the attention. gotta pay the bills somehow lol

speaking of that, i havent hooked up with anyone since that last video i did 2+ weeks ago, and ive only taken nudes and stuff since then. people are getting antsy

but i really want this new tattoo...

sub boy gee: i understand the pain of having to create new content. i don't hook up with strangers so i only ever post videos with toys or something. i cant even imagine what tops do if they dont have anyone

like there aren't as many options i feel like???

also show me the tattoo idea you should get it anyway :)

Daddy Frank: yeah i dont like to hook up with random strangers either. ive been wanting to stop but i dont really have anyone steady and i despise making solo jerk off vids i feel so awkward

ohohohoh yes ok so i dont have a picture but i wanted something on my chest that says "let love in" but backwards so when i look in the mirror i see it the correct way

sub boy gee: aw frank thats so sweet... i love that

i have an idea, but feel free to shoot me down if it's weird or something

Daddy Frank: i doubt you could weird me out sweetheart, ive seen all of your blooper nudes


Daddy Frank: okay okay okay im all ears

sub boy gee: remember my friend in Newark with the tattoo shop? i could probably get you a discount on that tattoo... we could meet up and go get coffee or something?

Daddy Frank: that sounds like an amazing idea Gee... i would love to <3

i wanna hug youuu!

sub boy gee: omf you dork... *e-hug*

Daddy Frank: :DDDDDDDDD


After talking to his friend, Gerard let Frank know the date, time, and place they were going to meet (which happened to be only a week later on a Monday). They continued to talk, sharing their snapchats as well as facetiming more often. Frank would show his dogs to Gerard over the phone, fawning over each of their yelps as Frank would shove them around and pat them.

Two days before they were set to meet, they were facetiming late in the evening.

Frank was lying on his stomach on his bed with the sheets bunched up under his elbows as his phone rested against a pillow. Gerard was sat at one of his desks and propped his phone with a lamp, laughing loudly.

"You know I don't do needles, Frank," Gerard chuckled, hiding his blushing face because Frank teased him about holding his hand while he gets a tattoo.

"I know, I know, I'm just teasing, ya big baby," Frank rested his chin on his closed fist, admiring Gerard as he tried to cool his red face down.

"Well if I take you to get this discount you have to let me order your coffee for you. A total surprise order to enlighten your taste buds," Gerard flirted, biting on one of his fingers and smiling into the camera.

Frank likes black coffee, damnit, and Gerard knew that, but insisted on widening his coffee-tastes.

He scoffed, listening to Gerard's choruses of, "please please please pleaaaaase Frankie please I promise you'll like it please."

"Alright fine, only because you're too cute to resist." 

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