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Come Monday morning, Gerard called Ray in a panic, expressing his nervousness about the whole situation.

"He is so nice, Ray, so so so nice and charming and I don't know how to tell him I want him to brutally fuck me but also actually date me. I don't even know his stances on commitment, I mean what if-"

"Gerard. Please get ahold of yourself. You told me you facetimed him, and you said he regularly compliments you. I think that you may at least get the 'brutally fucking' half of your wishes..."

Gerard sighed, exasperated. He was pacing in his room, shirtless. An awkward moment of silence passed before Ray cleared his throat.

"Look, Gee, you say he's a good guy, and I believe that. You're coming in together at 1, right?"

"Yeah, but we are meeting at the Brew coffee shop at noon," Gerard put his phone on speaker and threw it on the bed, continuing to get dressed.

"Wait, you're getting coffee together?"

"Well, yeah," Gerard grunted, picking up a gray sweater from the floor and heaving it over his shoulders.

"Gerard, that is basically already a date-"

A muffled groan interrupted Ray, "Shutgthefuhkup."

"You asked him to coffee and he said yes. You're a fucking moron Gerard." Ray hung up.


Gerard sat at a table. It was nearing 11:50, and his hands were jittery. He was trying to wait to order until Frank arrived, and holy fuck was he nervous. His chest felt weighted, the sleeves of his sweater were pulled over his hands as he fiddled with the hem. It was almost a dizzy feeling, dizzy with delight and a tinge of fear. He couldn't tell if he loved or hated it.

Before he could decide, the bell rang, and Frank walked in. Gerard told himself to play it cool, but his eagerness to stand up totally gave his excitement away.

"Hey, stranger," Frank smirked, making his way to Gerard. However, when Gerard stood up, he lost his composure, "Damn, you're taller than me... I find that oddly charming."

"Hey, Frankie," Gerard blushed, wringing his hands together. He was contemplating going in for a handshake. Looking Frank in the eyes however, he realized he was going for something different.

"Hug me, loser," he said smoothly, opening his arms for Gerard.

Gerard giggled and wrapped himself around Frank, taking a moment to rock back in forth with him.

"It's so good to finally meet you," Gerard sighed, noticing his shakiness melt away the more comfortable Frank made him. They had been talking for weeks at this point, he was comfortable over the phone, but seeing him in person was much more intense.

"You too," Frank grinned, letting his hand separate the hug, but still clung to the small of Gerard's back. He lead them to the small line, smiling like a dork the whole time. "So what magical sugar shit are you ordering me?"

Gerard leaned into Frank's touch, "Hmm, I'm thinking I'll get you an iced vanilla bean coconut milk latte, and a salted caramel mocha for myself." He gazed up at the menu and the line in front of them, but he could see Frank looking at him in his peripheral. It took everything within him to not stare back. The hair on the back of his neck rose, his stomach twisting in knots as he realized Frank never took his hand from his lower back.

"You spoil me. I didn't know that existed!"

They were at the front of the line, then. Gerard ordered for them both as the baristas took their names. He caught Frank reaching for his own wallet in his pocket.

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