Everyone Will Die

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Thomas’ thoughts’ 

Thomas woke up with some weight on top of him. This confused him deeply. He opened his eyes to find a blonde, blue-eyed beauty sleeping on him. He started to panicked a bit as he thought that Miya might want to end his life if she found out about this. He vibrated himself out of her grasp and once he was out, he noticed that he wasn’t in the Inn, he was in his old room in KB. In front of him, sitting on his bed, smiling was Krystal... 

“Hello Thomas.” 


“Why do you look so upset? Are you not happy to see me?” 

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.” 

“Why didn’t you?”  

“I tried my hardest, I wasn’t fast enough.” 

“And you never will be...” 

A red streak came in the room 

“Everyone you love will die, I'll kill all of them.”

Thomas stood there, unable to move as Reverse-Flash vibrated his hand through Krystal’s chest and crushed her heart once more. He then sped to Thomas. 

“Everyone will die.” and he killed him. 


Thomas suddenly opened his eyes. He was back at the Inn and holding a sleeping Tsukiumi tightly and she was holding him just as tight. He noticed that he was shaking a bit so he quickly vibrated out of her embrace, careful as to not wake her up and left the room to go for a run. 


Tsukiumi got up from her bed once everyone had gone to sleep and stepped out of her room in her light blue nightgown. She reached Thomas’ room and slowly opened it to not wake him, or Miya, up. She got in his bed next to him and laid her head on his chest.  
Early in the morning, she felt a weird sensation and woke up only to find Thomas vibrating uncontrollably and lightly sobbing but not crying. She tried to wake him up but that didn’t work. She opened one of his eyes using her fingers only to find them literally glowing red with little jolts of white lightning shooting off of his body. She held him tight and whispered in his ear. 

“I’m here for thee.” 

He seemed to calm down and held her just as tight. She revelled in the warmth he provided. After a few minutes, he woke up and she faked sleeping. She felt him somehow phasing out of her hold. She slightly opened an eye and saw him speed out of the room only leaving a white lightning trail behind him. 

“So he is the ghost after all.” 
She left the room too and hoped Miya wasn’t awake, but as soon as she opened the door, Miya was just outside not looking particularly pleased. 

“What did I say about illicit sexual activities in this house?” 

“sorry, I just wanted to check on him, did you know about what he could do?” 

“I make it my job to about everything going on in this house.” 

“So is yond a yes?” 

“I found out less than a week ago when I listened in on his conversation with Jade.” 

“Right. Does he know that we know?” 

“I don’t know, he tends to know things you wouldn’t except him to but I don’t think he knows about this.” 

Thomas was doing push ups in the garden while some serious thinking was going on in his head. 

‘Dammit, she knows. Miya too. What am I going to do now? I've been dragged into this whole thing and I don’t know what to do. How am I supposed to win this? This is just karma. And what about that dream? It’s been so long and he now shows up? What does it mean? Is he here?’ 

At that moment, Tsukiumi walked out of the house looking like she was on a mission, she stopped dead in her tracks seeing as, in front of her, was a shirtless Thomas, doing push ups. He sensed her there, got up and flashed her a smile. He didn’t notice that he didn’t have a shirt on, 8-pack on full display. 

“Heading out?”  

She was still in a state of pure shock and amazement and a few moments passed before she understood what he said. 

“Yes, I have matters to settle with Seo Kaoru. May I ask, how did thee get all those scars?” 

He looked at her confused before looking down and realizing that he was in fact, shirtless. He quickly grabbed the shirt that was next to him and put on, breaking Tsukiumi’s out of her dazed state. 

“Uhm... well I wasn’t the most peaceful person before I came to Japan, so they’re reminders for how I came to be I guess.” 


“Well don’t let me keep you from settling your matters.” 

“Thou art tis fine with this?” 

“Why wouldn’t I be? You're your own person, besides I don’t have a say in the matter seeing as I don’t know who Seo is.” 

“Right, well I shall be back later then.” 

“alright, see you.” He turned around and waved behind him as started to walk towards the cherry blossom tree, picking up a sword in the process. 

She nodded to herself and headed for the construction site. 


Tsukiumi POV 
I entered the site and was immediately met by a lightning bolt that stroke the ground right in front of me. 

“Didn’t think I'd see you so soon, Tsukiumi.” 

“If thee knew my reasoning for being here, thee wouldn’t be surprised, Seo” 

“You’ve finally accepted my invitation to join my team?” 

“I’d rather die than join Thee.” 

“Then why are you here?” 

“To kill thee.” 

Hibiki stepped forward, her twin nowhere to be found. 
(listen to Nakama no yasashi sa for this part) 
Hibiki launched her attack, I dodged and sent water arrows straight at her. She dodged them also and tried to rush me by simply running towards me. I was about to launch another attack when I felt something grab me, I barely had time to blink and I was in another location. I turned around and Thomas was right in front of me, still keeping his hands firmly on my arms to keep me in place, I guess. He had a terrified look on his face. 

“what art thou doing here?” 

“Hikari launched a lightning bolt from behind you, you were almost struck by it.” 

“How did thee know?” 

“I just sort of had a bad feeling a came here just in time to see her.” 

"Well thank you, I’ll be going back there now.” I said getting out of his grasp, but he got ahold of my arm which is starting to make me a bit angry. 

“Wait, no, don’t go.” 

“Why not!” 

“It’s too dangerous.” Who does he think I am? Some damsel in distress? 

“I can handle it!” 

He looked at me with saddened eyes and he slowly lets go of my arms. “I can’t lose you too.” 

I see the all the emotions he tries to convey in those words, I put my hands to his cheeks and bring him closer to me as he is quite a bit taller than me. 

“You won’t.” 

I bring his head towards mine, close my eyes and connect our lips. I feel so much warmth and love through this, I feel as if wings were sprouting out of my body. The moment was short but it held so much emotions in it, so many words and feelings conveyed in one action. 

As we break apart, I ask him, “Do you trust me?” 

“With my life.” I feel so happy and overjoyed that I actually smile for once and kiss him again.

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