The Legend Awakens

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The sun was slightly up, the skies pink, Thomas and Kazehana were on the roof of the Izumo Inn 


“Are you planning on helping with the escape?” 

“I’m thinking about it.” 

“Come on, even Minato’s more manly at this point.” 

He lightly laughed. “That’s ‘cause he *is* more manly.” 

Just then, Miya called out to Thomas for him to make breakfast, he got up to leave but before he did, Kazehana had one last jab to throw at him. 

“Not very manly...” she teased. 

He smirked at that comment and jumped off the roof without even hesitating. 

Once she was alone, she said to herself, “So manly.” 

The rest of the day was very normal if you didn’t take into account the nervousness about the night ahead of them. 

Thomas and Miya were peacefully meditating, the ladder trying to learn from Thomas to find her inner peace. 

Tsukiumi and Musubi were sparring to train with Minato, Kuno and Shigi watching them. Kusano was sleeping on Minato’s laps. 
Matsu was up in her secret room going over the plan and examining a USB drive that she found that morning 


That evening, Thomas was nowhere to be found, reason being Miya asking him to run an errand for her. 

Nevertheless, the plan was put into motion and Kazehana couldn’t help but wonder if Thomas would show up, but this wasn’t time to worry about that, she didn’t want to ruin the plan even though her part was extremely easy: she just had to take out a couple of guards at the station near the bridge that linked their city to the outside world. 

Meanwhile at Izumo Inn, 

Thomas was still peacefully meditating, as he often did, when Matsu called out for him to join her in her secret room. 

In the secret room, 

Matsu stood in front of Thomas who was sat down in one of the chairs. She placed a USB
drive on the table that was next to him. 

“What is this, Thomas?” 

He just looked at her, confused. 

“A USB drive?” 

“Yes but what’s on it?” 

“I don’t know” 

She plugged it into one of her computers. On it was a single video. She clicked play. 

It started off in a hospital, a red-haired woman was holding a baby in her arms, she asked the man next to her, 

“What should we call him? I was thinking Thomas.” 

The Video cut to a man with brown hair and green eyes. 

“Project GS is a go, we’ve had some successful tries and results, I think we’re well on our way to create our own God. Subject reacted perfectly to all experiments and is proving to be the perfect match for the Kamikura plan.”  

The video than cut to the woman from before in the hospital once again holding yet again a baby. 

The man spoke this time. 

“I think we should name him Minato.” 

The video then cut once again to the man slamming his fist on a table. 

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