I'm Sorry Thomas

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Some time later,

Everyone was slowly moving on, some better than other; Minato was taking it the hardest, locking himself in his room and refusing to eat some days. Miya and Thomas were the ones that were better off seeing as they were used to experiencing loss. They both continued meditating and finding peace. Musubi was still relatively the same as she didn’t fully grasp the concept of death along with Kusano. Tsukiumi and Kazehana were allowed to sleep with Thomas to try and find some comfort, and it worked seeing as Thomas was a very good comforter, he also managed to get Minato to somewhat better spirits. 

One day, as Miya and Thomas were meditating, they saw new visions; Homura surrounded by multiple Sekirei and about to commit suicide, Uzume dying in Thomas’ arms and two Thomas-s ready to fight. 

They got interrupted when Matsu came running out of the house almost in tears, 

“Thomas! Homura is about to get terminated.” 

Miya and Thomas looked at each other. 

Thomas quickly speed over to the location he saw in the vision, once he got there, exactly as he saw in the vision, Homura was surrounded by multiple Sekirei, about to be terminated. 

“Thomas! Get to him fast he’s about to blow up!” 

“How do I prevent that from happening?” 

“He has to be winged.” 


Thomas tried sneaking around but once he had a clear line to Homura, Minato ran in and winged him. 

“Alright, Homura’s safe.” 

“How come?” 

“Minato winged him.” 

“What did I say about taking people for granted?” 

Thomas froze and slowly turned around only to find Thomas West in front of him. 

“What are you doing here, Thomas” our Thomas said. 

For better comprehension Thomas West is called West and our Thomas is Thomas. 

“Is it really that hard to figure out? I'm here to destroy you once and for all.” 

“We’ve been through this too many times to know now that we can’t beat each other or die.” 

“There are fates far worse than death.” 
West took off running and Thomas followed after him, too scared to find out what would happen if he was too late this time. But this was all a part of West’s plan. 

Behind their screens, Matsu, Miya, Kazehana and Tsukiumi were just plain confused. 

“Who’s the real Thomas?” Kazehana asked. 

“I think both of them are.” Tsukiumi responded. 

“What do you mean?” 

“He once told me that he could create something called a ‘time remnant’, I don’t fully understand how but basically he can have two versions of himself exist at the same time.” 


They continued watching the screen as they saw the two white streaks zipping through the city. After a few seconds, a blue portal opened up and one of them went through it. 
A few moments later, Thomas ran in the house and brought Minato and Homura with him. 

Miya, Kazehana, Tsukiumi and Matsu rushed down the stairs. 

“What happened?” Matsu asked. 

“I sent him to another earth, a dead one so it should take him a while to get back.” 

“Who was he?” Miya asked looking at hm suspiciously. 

“He’s a clone of me.” 

“Like a... ‘time remnant?’” 

“No, he was an actual clone that my father created when I was born.” 

“Well I don’t get it but I'm just glad you’re here.” 

“Glad to be here” He smiled. 

They spent the rest of the day celebrating the one victory they managed to pull off but Miya was eyeing Thomas suspiciously. 
The next day,  

Uzume came down the stairs, excited as all hell. 

“What’s got you in such a good mood?” Miya giggled. 

“I got a call from the hospital, Chiho’s fine.” 


“Yes, I'm going there right now.” 

As few minutes after she left, Thomas came down, unusually late, Miya looked to him and jerked her head towards the door he looked confused. 

“What?... Oh, right.” 

He sped out of the room as Miya joined Matsu in her secret room. 

“I’m getting a weird vibe from Thomas.” Miya said as she sat down next to Matsu. 

“Really, I don’t see anything different. You have to relax, you’re too paranoid.” 

“Yeah you’re probably right.” 

When Matsu was done hacking the hospital cameras, they saw a horrifying sight. 

Thomas was in his black suit standing next to a dead Uzume with multiple bullet holes in her. Around them were dead, bloodied MBI agents scattered around the hallway. 

“Did he kill all of them?” Miya asked. 

“I don’t know.” 

Thomas then ran to a huge building in the middle of Tokyo. He ran up the side of the building and broke the window on the top floor. 

He stopped behind a man in a white suite and white hair 
Insert picture of Minaka 
“Minaka Hiroto.” 

The man turned around and his face contorted to one of anger 

“Where’s my son, what did you do to my son?” 

“I killed him, just like I’m going to kill you.” 

Thomas ran at him and vibrated his hand through Minaka’s chest and crushed his heart. He then sped out of the room as many MBI entered, guns ready to fire. 

A few seconds later, Thomas entered the Inn, his suit changed to white and mask down. He looked unbelievably pissed off. 

“Where is he?” 

Miya and Matsu came down the stairs as the rest of the resident came to him as well. 

“Where is who?” Tsukiumi asked. 

“The other Thomas, the evil one?” 

“You sent him to another earth.” Miya told him. 

“What? No, he sent me to another earth, we need to find him before he hurts anyone.” 

At moment, multiple MBI agents along with a certain speedster in blue entered the room. 


“Yes, and I'm sorry Thomas, but you’re under arrest for the murder of Hiroto Minaka, Uzume Nohlasstnaym and multiple MBI agents.” 
Thomas looked confused as he knelt down and special metahuman handcuffs were put on his hands. 

Before he was taken away, Miya ran over to him and kissed him, essentially getting winged. 

He was then sped away by Quicksilver to a Maximum-security prison built just for him.

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