chapter 6

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I had to admit Tin was the last person I expected to see right now. I had seen him a few hours ago. What could he want to talk to me about?

"Sure, we can talk in my room" I said and headed back upstairs. Tin followed not saying a word.

Once inside my room I sat on the bed, Tin just stood there looking around.

"So what's up?" I asked as he clearly wasn't about to start the conversation.

He just shook his head.

"You said you wanted to talk but you're standing there saying nothing, I can start guessing but then we could be here all night" I said.

Tin moved and sat on the end of the bed, I noticed that his knuckles were bleeding.

"What happened to your hand" I moved closer and lifted his hand to get a better look. It was clear he'd punched something and by the look of it, it wasn't anything soft.

"I lost a fight with a wall" he scoffed.

"Wait here, I'll get the medical kit" I walked downstairs, Lay was in the kitchen.

"Why is Tin here?" She whispered

"Because he is" I replied, I picked up the kit and went back to my room.

"Give me your hand" I said

"Its fine, don't worry about it" said Tin

"I wasn't asking, I'm telling you to give me your hand" I pulled his hand towards me and rested it on my lap. "This is going to sting, a lot!"

Tin just sat there as I cleaned the wound, he didn't flinch or complain once. I would have been whinging like a baby, that stuff was worse than lemon juice on a cut!!

"So what did the wall do to deserve the beating you gave it" I asked

"It was either the wall or my father, and I might be a bad son but I'm not about to punch my father" he said

"So lunch didn't go so well?" I said

"Hmmm, you could say that. My father is hosting a dinner this weekend for some new investors and I have to attend and escort his vice presidents daughter.

"And you wanted to punch him for that, a fancy dinner with a guaranteed date, what's so bad about that?" Rich people were really confusing

"If it was just that I could tolerate it, I'm used to playing the obedient son for my father's image. But apparently my parents want me to get to know this girl as they think a marriage between us would help stabilise the company" he looked at me "the vice president has been having secret meetings with my father's competitors, this marriage would force him to stay and keep him in line" he said.

"Woah, that sucks" I said, I thought that sort of stuff only happened on TV

"Yes it does, I tried telling my father no but he wouldn't listen, apparently it's just an engagement for now, I wouldn't be expected to marry her until after I graduate"

"Ok, so is she really that bad? I mean you might actually like her if you get to know her. Look at us a few days ago I hated you, now .... ummm .... you're not too bad"

"Thanks, but that won't happen. Girls like her are all the same, spoilt and rude" said Tin

"That sounds like someone else I know" I said and winked.

"Ha, yeah it does doesn't it although don't let Ae hear you say that about his boyfriend, he's very protective!"

"I wasn't talking about Pete you idiot, I was talking about you" I nudged his shoulder.

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