chapter 15

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Kla walked in and sat on the chair in front of my desk. One thing about Kla was that you could never tell what he was thinking or what he was about to say. He always had the same neutral expression on his face, he was very good looking, no one could deny that but there was something about him that you knew not to mess with him.

Kla and Mark were so different, Mark was serious but generally happy go lucky, you always knew how he was feeling because you could see it a mile away, (which is why we all knew how he felt about Gun) but looks was the only thing Kla and Mark had in common. I couldn't tell if Kla wanted me dead or to tell me he loved me (ok I knew he didn't love me).

"Do we?" I asked

"Where have you been? You said you'd help me get Techno. Yet you didn't bother turning up the other night and Techno ignored me for the whole meal." Said Kla

Was he serious? Where have I been? I tapped the cast on my leg. "Are you blind? I've been in the hospital, sorry if my near death experience messed up your dating plans" I said sarcastically.

"Well you didn't die, so what are you going to do about Techno?" He said

"Wow, you really are a douch bag, that attitude of yours isn't going to get you anywhere with Techno!"

"My attitude depends on who I'm with" said Kla.

I took a deep breath, if I didn't have to help him so I could go home I'd be beating him with my crutches.

"Ok, so what actually happened the other night?" I asked

Kla proceeded to explain that although Techno accepted the lift from Kla he then avoided him for the rest of the night. It seems that Champ had arranged for his cousin to meet them at the restaurant and she spent the whole night talking to Techno. I wanted to laugh because I already saw how Techno reacted when he thought Kla had a girlfriend, there was no way he was interested in Champs cousin. I thought about telling Kla but it was more fun to watch him suffer. That would teach him for being such a selfish bastard.

"Techno likes to take care of his friends, maybe if he thought you needed looking after he would pay you a little more attention. You're a very intense guy, you need to relax a bit" I said when he finished.

"But Techno needs looking after, not me." He said.

"Did you even listen to me? You ask for my help and then completed ignore me.... Hold on I have an idea..... oh can you make yourself cry?" I asked.

"Yes, thats easy. why?" Said Kla

I don't know if I was surprised by his honesty or worried as to why he knew he could make himself cry. I explained that I was going to call Techno and ask him to come over, if we could come up with a good sob story Techno would want to help.

(I know, I know, I shouldn't have been manipulating Techno like this but I really wanted to go home. I'd had enough of getting hurt to last a life time)

Kla suggestions were a little far fetched, he even suggested telling Techno his parents had died. I reminded him that was a little extreme and also if he did end up with Techno how would he explain his parents still breathing!!

After an hour we still couldn't agree on anything. Then it hit me.

"You're gay!" I said

"So? What difference does that make?" He replied.

"Have you ever been bullied for it?"

"No one would dare bully me for anything" he looked annoyed at the suggestion.

"Ok, well we are going to tell him that you've been bullied and you need somewhere to stay so your parents don't find out." I told him.

"That's ridiculous, I could hide bullying from my parents."

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