Problems For Another Day

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The next few days left Sora feelings more confused than ever. He thought he should be happy about finding his Soulmate, but the situation has him doubting everything he's been told. He lies on his bed after school, staring out the window with half open eyes, his face barely not buried in his pillow. It's raining, he watches the little droplets race down the glass barrier, leaving streaks in their wake.

Disrupting the paths of the other droplets around them. He feels like the droplets that get trapped in the paths of the ones before them. Their choices taken away by those around them. Why is it so hard to be happy? Sora looks away, closing his eyes and burying his face in his pillow fully. There's a knock at his door and he groans, pushing himself up, "It's open."

The door opens and Roxas peeks in, "Hey, Axel, Xion, me, and Namine are hanging at Axel's place for awhile. You wanna come?"

Sora smiles, trying to hide what's on his mind as he declines his best friend's offer, "No, thanks. I'm good here."

Roxas frowns lightly, worry shines in his eyes, "Are you sure? You haven't gone anywhere in a few days.."

Sora nods, "I'm fine, really. Go, have fun."

Roxas steps further into the room, crossing his arms. He frowns at Sora, years of friendship allowing him to see past Sora's lies, "Do you want to talk about what's really bothering you?"

Sora's smile drops as he blinks, taken aback by Roxas' intuition. Roxas sighs and walks over, sitting on the bed beside his best friend. He stares at the brunet expectantly, before gingerly taking Sora's hand, "You can tell me anything, you know that. I can tell you're upset, so just talk to me, okay?"

Sora looks away, contemplating on actually telling the truth. Do I want to burden him with this? He's the most happy he's ever been since his parents dumped him here.. I don't want to worry him. He sighs and looks back at Roxas, deciding to appease Roxas' curiosity with half of the truth. Roxas continues to stare at him, worry-filled eyes searching as he waits for Sora's response.

"I'm okay," Sora sighs, "at least, I'm trying to be. It's just hard right now, is all. I've liked Kairi for so long, and even though I knew it wouldn't work.. I just.. Wanted it to last longer.."

Roxas puts an arm around Sora, "It's okay to be upset, you just can't bottle it up like this. It's never going to do you any good."

"I'll be okay," Sora promises in a whisper, wrapping his arms around Roxas tightly. Roxas hugs him back, sighing, "Good, well.. Do you want to hang out with us?

He smiles lightly, "Might help take your mind off of Kairi."

Sora pulls back and shakes his head, "No, I don't want to drag down the fun."

He chuckles, "You enjoy your friends, Rox. I'll still be here when you get back, promise."

Roxas laughs softly, "You always are."

He stands and leaves, waving back at him one last time, "See you later, Sora."

Sora smiles, "See you later, Roxas."

Roxas leaves the room and Sora lies back down. He stares up at the ceiling, trying to shuffle through all the things he's feeling. Nothing good has come for him out of finding his Soulmate. He had a good relationship with Kairi, but now things are awkward whenever they interact. He's afraid it won't ever go back to how it used to be.

And then there's the situation of his Soulmate. Riku. They had just become friends, and then Sora had to go and ruin it. I wish I never found out I had a Soulmate at all.. Sora groans, turning over and burying his face in his pillow again. He just can't fathom why fate is treating him this way. He's startled by his phone ringing and he sits up, glancing at it wearily. He sighs and reaches out, grasping the device and holding it closer so he can see who's calling.


Sora bites his bottom lip, hand trembling as he sets the phone back down. He watches the screen until it goes black once again and he lies back down. He feels bad about ignoring her call, but he's trying so hard to be okay being around her now and nothing is making him feel better. She'll forgive me, he assures himself, sniffling as a tear falls down his face. He takes a shaky breath and turns, staring at the window covered in streaks of rain once again.

He tries to clear his mind, to try and make himself feel happier somehow. Nothing works, his thoughts just come right back to Kairi and Riku. Sora knows these feelings won't go away until he confronts them, but he doesn't know how. Nor does he know if he even can right now. His thoughts are jumbled, his emotions are all over the place, and his heart hurts. He's scared. Scared of losing his friends, of never being loved the way he knows he deserves, of being true to himself and those around him.

What do you do, when you don't know what to do?

Sora closes his eyes, slowing his breathing, trying again to clear his mind. He listens to the rain as it softly pitter-patters against the roof and the windows, he listens to the sound of his own breathing. He slowly starts to calm down enough to have an actual concrete thought on how to approach his friendship situations. It's not the first time he's thought to just tell his friends the truth about his feelings, and he's sure it won't be the last, but he's still too afraid of how they'll react or percieve him.

So, once again, he talks himself out of a solution he has yet to try. He opens his eyes, heaving a heavy sigh as he rolls over and pulls himself out of bed. He leaves his room and goes downstairs. He finds he's alone once again, and he stares at the floor with regret. He desperately wants someone to advise him, and his mother had already left for work while he was sulking upstairs. He shakes his head, wipes his eyes, and heads back to his room. Another day gone by, and more problems he continues to push off for another day.

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