Part 3

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Gil's POV

I woke up and sat up because of a bad dream I have which included my mother dying in my arms as my father evilly laughed which it gave me so much anger. I felt like I want to scream until I turned my head to the sleeping Angel. To be honest, when I first met him, the smooth bare skin that touched mine has warmth on him back when we were in the demon kingdom, aka my castle. And how light his body was since of course he's an Angel and they were known to most Angels to have very lightweight bodies, mainly to females but there were some males who have lightweight bodies like Arthur. I slowly got off the bed and went to get some glass of water to drink. I remembered that 2 days ago, I saw his naked body for the first time when we were at the lake near his castle. I was teasing his nipples that time before his grandparents came to visit him and his parents. Then after I teased him, I laid on his lap to take a nap as he was playing with my hair while humming the song he sang before I found him in a white dress and a few accessories on him. He was very beautiful that it felt like a fond memory to me as I walked back to bed and slowly climbed on it to get close to Arthur. He was still sleeping and I wanted to teased him while he was asleep, so I lift the hem of the nightgown up, seeing his nipples that are ready to be teased and sucked on. Then I went to peck his lips before I can tease his nipples which I pinched them gently then sucking on them. Arthur then slowly woke up when I was teasing his left nipple while sucking on his right nipple and blushed madly which I looked up and smirked.

Arthur: *whispers* Gil?! What are you doing in the middle of the night?

Gil: *whispers back* just teasing your nipples as usual *continues to suck the right nipple*

Arthur: *blushes and whispers* please, I just want to sleep

Gil: *stopped sucking the nipple and whispers* Just bare with me a little more *continues to suck the right nipple*

Arthur: *whispers* But what if both my parents and grandparents will hea- *quietly moan as Gil bit his nipple and whimpers* Gil~

Gil: *looks up to see the Angel on the verge of tearing up* *goes up to kiss his lips*

Arthur: *closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around Gil's neck as he kissed deeper, letting his tears fall until they ran out of breath*

Gil: *breaks the kiss and whispers to Arthur's ear* You okay, Arthur?

Arthur: *shyly nods* Yeah

Gil: *smiled as he wiped Arthur's tears off his face and saw him softly giggled* What's so funny?

Arthur: I never see you smile before *giggles*

Gil: *blushed, pulls the hem of the nightgown down, covered both of them as he hugged Arthur's waist and whispers* We better sleep then. Night

Arthur: *whispers back* Night *closed his eyes as Gil did the same and slept through the starry night*

Next day

It was morning now as I woke up and slowly sat up to look outside the windows. It was very bright outside as the wind gently blew the trees and hearing the birds chirping. Then I turned my head to Arthur who was still asleep and hugging Cavall in his arms. I went to peck his forehead, got out of bed and walk to Enkidu who was still asleep. Then I crazily shake him to wake up as revenge for waking me up from last time. He then woke up and fell off the couch where he was sleeping and looked up at me with a very pissed face.

Enkidu: Was that revenge from last time, Gilgamesh?

Gil: Yep

Enkidu: *sighs and got up* Why are you awake in the middle of the morning though?

Demon Prince Gilgamesh X Angel Prince ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now