Part 4

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Few hours later
King's POV

I was worried about Arthur so much that I told my wife to come with me to his bedroom. She agreed to go with me as the guards at the door opened them for us to go out. We're walking at the hall as 6 maids were behind us as we were going to our son's bedroom to check on him. When we arrived, I opened the door to see Gilgamesh and his friend, Enkidu, sitting at the table, sipping some tea as I walked up to them and asked about Arthur.

Gil: He's fine right now

Enkidu: He just need some rest for his energy

King: Then what caused his fever then?

Gil: Power draining bugs

Enkidu: They're like a size of a coin

King: And what happened to them?

Enkidu: Gilgamesh made them disappear

Queen: I see

King: When dinner comes, I'll have a maid bring the food for you three

Enkidu: Okay, your majesty

Queen: Then will see you later then

Now we walked out of the room and that Arthur was okay, all he need was to rest after those tiny bugs invaded his body. Then I walked into the bedroom, sat on my desk and look through some papers while my wife was taking a bath in the bathroom. I was relieved that his body was okay as I smiled and continue to looked through more papers and signing them before dinner.

Arthur's bedroom
Arthur's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to the soft sunlight that was going to disappear to the horizon as I sat up and noticed the both Gil and Enkidu were snoozing on the table. I chuckle softly as I got out of my bed, walked to the table in a white nightgown that goes down to my knees, with my pale legs exposing to the cold breeze, making me shivered lightly as I walked to the table with the other two boys sleeping. I looked at Gil's sleeping face then I slipped a finger to slide his bangs to one slide. Then I felt his hand grabbed my wrist and he slowly sat up to look at me. Then he pulled me closer which I have to sit on his lap as he slowly wrapped his arm around my waist. I blushed so much that I heard Gil smirked which my blush became more red than last time as I tried to cover my face.

Gil: *grabbed Arthur's warm hands and stare at his blushed face* Why are you blushing?

Arthur: B-b-because you just smirked after you wrapped your arms around me

Gil: I see *stuff his face to his chest* You're very warm

Arthur: *blushed, gently pecked Gil's forehead and giggled*

Gil: Oh~ *looks at Enkidu* Interesting. He's still asleep

Arthur: *turned his head to see Enkidu still asleep* Oh

Gil: By the way, your parents came by to check on you. They were worried about you so they came here and I told them that you're okay

Arthur: Is that so? I see

Enkidu: *slowly woke up and saw Arthur and Gil* Oh hey you two. You're feeling okay, Arthur?

Arthur: Yeah I'm okay

Enkidu: Thank goodness. By the way, is the food here?

Gil: No. Not yet Enkidu. They're not here ri- *heard the knock on the door*

Enkidu: Guess that's the food *walks to the door and opened for the maid to come in with the food* Thank you so much

Gil: Thank you *seeing the maid bowed her and walked out of the room* Alright. Arthur, there's another chair if you want to sit

Demon Prince Gilgamesh X Angel Prince ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now