Our struggles. Our love. Our life.

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Our struggles is what makes us the perfect couple. We wouldn't be where we are today with out these struggles. Our struggles are hard and some days we are close to giving up and sometimes we fight a lot because sometimes the fact that we can't be like most couples and that we can't do things most couples can gets to us a lot, especially lately because as we are getting closer we are needing eachother more and we are starting to find out that not being able to be with eachother as much as want.

Our love is sweet and we are madly in love with eachother and even though we have only been together for a short amount of time, our love is greater than any love I have ever experienced before. Our love is what keeps us stronger. We have this kind of love that is powerful and we are just a happy couple for the most part.

Well our life is simple. It's just like anyone else's except well we are girls that like girls. Our life is made up of pain, sorrow, love, happiness, and most of all the struggles that comes with it all, but that is what life is all about. You win some and you lose some. Not everyday will be a sunny day, but when those sunny days come you cherrish them and you dont take the for granted. We live day to day and some days may suck more than others, but since we have eachother we get through it together one day at a time.

We often wonder where our love will take us and what will happen after our highschool career, and honestly that's the best part, the wondering what will happen next. We never know what is going to happen next good or bad we will be in it together and I especially looking forward to my future with my amazing girlfriend, soon to be fiance, soon to be wife. I can't wait till after highschool and we can live on our own and start a family, and just know that we no longer have to worry, even if we don't have that much money and we dont have a place to really call home I don't care as long as I have her by my side I know that everything will be alright.

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