Kiss With a Fist [17] Ghost in Machines

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Chapter Seventeen

Ghost in Machines

"Kids. No matter what, I want you all to stay in here and stay quiet," the teacher told us and we all looked at her like she was crazy.

"What? No! Stay here! They'll come for us!" One of the students whispered harshly to her and she shook her head.

"I have to see what is going on. I can't protect you guys if I have no clue," No one got anymore words in as she slowly opened the door, looked around and then left. She was fucking crazy and stupid, but so was I for what I was about to do. Slowly, I started crawling over to the desk, ignoring the harsh whispered from my classmates, and grabbed the basket of phones. I stopped and looked from the door and back over to where I was. Taking a deep breath, I crawled over to the door and stood up to peak out of the window. A gasp left my lips as I saw about four men walking the hallway with what looked like machine guns in their hands. Two stopped and posted themselves outside the double doors, while the other two continued walking.

I quickly scrambled over to the students and handed them their phones. I turned mine on and saw I had about ten messages from Milo and five missed calls. I quickly called him back and he answered after the first ring.

"Alec, what in the hell is going on?" He snapped, but I ignored him.

"Do you have Sean?" I whispered.

"What? Yeah, I got him about an hour ago. Why are you whispering? I'm about to come pick you-"

"No! You can't come here!" I almost yelled it, but quickly did it in a whisper.

"Alec what is going on?" He asked his voice calm and not angry.

"I-I don't know. The school suddenly went on lockdown and there are guys with machine guns here. I don't know why since everyone has already gone home-"I stopped talking as I heard gunshots go off and a couple of the girls started to cry.


"I'm scared Milo," I whispered, my voice cracking. I felt Josh grab my hand and give it a squeeze.

"Is Josh with you?"

"Yeah, he is,"

"Okay. I want you guys to leave outside a window. Don't go to the front of the school, go through the woods. When you get to another road or a building, call me and tell me where and I will come get me. Alec, I need you to be brave okay? You were an assassin, this shouldn't scare you,"

"I know it's just that...that they have machine guns. I only dealt with hand guns. They can just pull a trigger and it wouldn't matter," It was the truth. I could run all I want and I would still get hit and shot.

"Go through the window, be quiet and get through the woods. Can you do that for me Alec?" I heard multiple voices on the other end calling him boss and I smiled. He was getting his men to help us.

"Yeah, I can do that," I told him and I could imagine him smiling. We said goodbye and I put my phone in my pocket. Taking a deep breath, I turned to the group as another round of shots went off closer to our room.

"Listen to me guys. We need to get out through the window and be really quiet. Once out there, head through the woods, alright?"

"Why should we listen to you?" One guy snapped and I smirked at him.

"I just got off the phone with Milo Mancini, my boyfriend. I think I know what I'm talking about," everyone's faces paled and immediately agreeing to follow me. We slowly crawled over to the window and I opened it, letting out a sigh of relief when it opened without any sound. One by one everyone went out the window and took off through the woods. Josh and I were the last and once out, he grabbed my hand and we booked it.

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