Kiss With a Fist [18] Cardiac Arrest

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Chapter Eight

Cardiac Arrest

"I swear to God, if you hit the gun on the leg of that chair on more time, I will shove it where the sun don't shine," I threatened that man who was watching us. He gave me a deadpan look and then slowly hit the gun against the leg. I growled and went to lunge at him, but I didn't get far and stopped struggling. "When I get out of these handcuffs, you're so fucked." I spat and he just smirked at me.

About two hours ago, I had gotten over the shock of being kidnapped. I mean, this was like what, the second time I've been kidnapped? This is something that was bound to happen with me dating a mob boss. Josh on the other hand, was still knocked out. I had a feeling he was just pretending to be unconscious so he didn't have to face the reality of being a prisoner.

The door opened and a man walked in, calling the one watching us over to him. I watched as they talked and then looked over at us. "Have a nice rest princesses. We'll be seeing you two in the morning." And then they left and locked the door. I sighed heavily and looked over at Josh. I saw his eyes slowly open and snorted.

"Are they gone?" I heard him whisper and I kicked him, glad they had chained us next to each other.

"Yes, they're gone. But they'll be back," I told him and I heard him sigh, causing me to look over at him.

"This is terrifying," he whispered and I rolled my eyes.

"You get used to it after the third time," I said nonchalantly and I chuckled as he made a choking sound.

"Third time?! What the fuck Alec!" I honestly don't know why he is so surprised. I'm dating Milo Mancini; this should be expected. You don't just date a mob boss and expect your life to be all roses and cupcakes.

Oh, cupcakes...damn it, now I'm hungry.

"We need to get out of here," I sighed, hitting my head on the pole behind me. I took a look around the room for what felt like the twentieth time and grunted in frustration. It seriously looked like that dungeon room from that movie Underworld. I can't remember which one actually. I just remember walking by the telly when it was on and stopped to watch as the girl was burned while he lover watched.

Pretty intense if you ask me.

"Alec? You still with me?" I heard Josh whisper and slowly turned to look at him with a deadpan look.

"No. I died from boredom and you're talking to my ghost," He gave me a disgusted look and went back to mumbling to himself. I tried to focus on what he was saying, but grew frustrated.

"Do share what you're whispering to yourself about like some mad loon," I snapped and he glared at me.

"I'm saying a prayer," he said simply and I looked at him in shock.

"Prayer? Since when were you ever anything holy?"

"I'm not. But I do believe this might be the end, so I think it's time that I pray for forgiveness," I wanted to say something rude back, but stopped when I heard a noise outside the door.

"Josh, shut up," I told him. I couldn't hear what was going on with him saying his prayer out loud now.

"Oh, that's rich. I'm trying to ask for forgiveness for both of us, you know. I should just ask God to forgive me and let you burn in Hell with-"

"Josh seriously! Shut-"I never got to finish when the lights suddenly went out and I heard Josh let out a terrified squeal.

"Keep it down in there or you won't get any food in the morning!" I heard someone yell from the door and I rolled my eyes again. It wasn't like they were really going to feed us anyway. After a couple of minutes, I realized that Josh had stopped praying. In fact, I actually think he might be asleep. Maybe I should follow suit. I was getting comfortable, or as comfortable as one can get when they're handcuffed to a metal pole, and was slowly drifting to sleep when I heard Josh shuffle beside me.

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