Jeff The Killer

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Kandi was giving permission to go outside a few months later once she had proven herself to not run away, but she was now forced to wear a tracking device on her wrist to make sure if she ever did run away the proxies could easily find her and bring her back, later that beautiful afternoon she watched as a few of the killers trained in the back yard the proxies ran track while everyone else worked on their killing skills.

Kandi sighed as she sat in the grass beside smile dog who kept her company, "Can you think of something as beautiful as this day?" Kandi asked as she took grabbed her sketch book that was given to her from her old home along with some other belongings such as clothes, toiletries and books and a few stuffies she kept on her bed, "Yeah....I could be inside chewing on my leg bone from Jeff's last kill, instead im out in this horrid heat watching a human,..." Kandi looked at Smile dog and blushed, they wernt really friends but they tolerated one another.

Kandi looked back at the woods and began sketching, something about them made her feel at peace but she was never allowed in them without someone taking her, the woods were known to be a very dangerous place to be alone, especially if you were a human, things such as the rake and far worse always lurked in there.

Kandi sighed as she finished her drawing and placed her sketch book down and looked around seeing she was alone, everyone must of went inside or went out killing, finally she was alone....or at least she thought she was, until she heard heavy foot steps approach her from behind, she tilted her head back seeing Jeff smirking down at her, "well...well...well...looks like we are all alone for once, might as well take advantage before everyone comes back!" he grinned causing some blood to ooze from his cuts, Jeff grabbed Kandi by the upper part of her arm roughly, dragging her into the woods.

"Jeff.....I...I dont think this is a good idea....theres......monsters in there!" Kandi stuttered as she tried to keep up with his pace, Jeff only rolled his wide eyes as he walked into the woods without a care, "pfft! as if I'm scared of a few creatures of the night! besides they dont come out during the day so stop being such a pussy and keep quiet" they kept walking what felt like hours till they stopped in the middle of a clearing, it was something that looked like it belonged in a fairy tale, one large weeping willow stood in the middle of the clearing as the only sunlight beamed through its many drooping branches causing a ray like effect to the place.

                                                                    (Kandi's POV)
I couldn't believe that someone like Jeff would take me here, let alone come to something as beautiful or know about this place, it felt so peaceful and relaxing, making me almost forget that Jeff had a tight grip on my shoulder, until he slammed my back hard into the tree with a smirk on his disgusting face, "J-Jeff.....wh-what are you-" he cut me off by pulling out his knife and placing the sharp end of it to the side of my mouth, "Did I say you could speak pet?" I felt horrified as my body shook as I slowly shook my head and kept quiet, Jeff smirked as he leaned close to me only to stop as his eyes were locked on my chest, making me shivers as he noticed Sully's marking, "So.....My own pathetic big brother already claimed you did he?.......heh, well pet, you wont belong to him for long" Before I could say anything Jeff shoved a cloth in my mouth and tied it tight before placing the knife into my neck, not puncturing the skin but enough to where he could in a second.

"Do not move from this spot or so help me god if you do.....I'll make sure you never frown again and never see the light of day, ever again" the thought of what he would do made me nauseous as i nodded my head and kept still as Jeff moved his knife away from my neck and walked behind the tree, the sound of shuffling and leaving being moved around and stepped on was the only sounds that could be heard around me, shortly I felt what could be ropes being tied around my wrists and yanked tightly and roughly behind my back, I looked back at him and watched him as he was wrapping and tieing ropes all around my body tightly, I had no idea what in the hell this maniac was doing or had in store for me,......but i didnt like it.

Jeff soon walked in front of me and smirked as he then kicked my legs under me making me fall hard on the ground, not caring i had dirt on my face or leaves in my hair he held an end of the rope in his hand as he knelt down and lift my chin in his cold hand, "Your in for such a surprise my little pet, but need to be punished for letting my brother try to claim you, if you belong to anyone its me" with that being said, he stood up and with ease he pulled the rope sending me into the air and hanging by a large branch, I was sure i was high enough to probably break my neck but was face to face with Jeff who looked like he was grinning even more as blood dripped from his mouth, "Dont you look so adorable, so useless, unable to scream as i cut and beat that pretty flesh of yours, but of course my idiotic brother had to taint that skin of yours with his initials, so now I have to make you beautiful so I can ignore that ugly part of you.

Jeff soon pushed my bondage body with one finger, making me sway back and fourth as i whimpered through the gag, scared out of my mind of what he would do to me, Jeff walked back around the tree and soon came back into view with something that looked like a wooden bat hung over his shoulder, making my eyes widen in pure fear as i tried to speak through the gag, making Jeff laugh in pure insanity, "You should seriously see your face, its fucking priceless!" Jeff reached over to remove my gag, grinning as if expecting me to beg for my life, which I did just that, "Jeff, please! dont do this.....I-Im sorry! It wasnt my fault...S-Sully-" "Sully?..." Jeff cut me off as his expression went from amused to pure rage as he balled his fists, tighting his grip on the bat, "So......Sully did this huh? well then that changed everything......but Im still going to claim you, to make sure he knows whos boss." Jeff placed the gag back over my mouth and pulled down my shirt to show my stomach and pulled out his knife once again, "Dont worry Pet, this will only hurt alot!" with that he stabbed his knife into my bare stomach as I let out a muffed scream as I closed my eyes tightly, the sound of ripping and tearing flesh filled my ears as he carved patterns into my stomach, so much blood dripped onto my face and the ground below me.

Once I thought my punishment was over I realized it was only starting, as Jeff walked back in front of me and licked the bloody knife and picked up the bat once he shoved the knife in his hoody pocket, Without warning a powerful and painful blow hit me over the stomach making me cough up blood on the gag, I slowly opend my eyes to see Jeff throwing another blow this time to my ribs, a sickening cracking sound echoed through the opening as I let out a muffled cry in pain as tears dripped down my cheeks,

another blow to the stomach,

another to the chest,

one more to the side of my ribs,

I was exhausted and weak as I hung there,

                                                                                (End POV)

Jeff dropped the bloody bat and slowly pulled Kandi close to his face, leaning down his rough and leathery lips crashed into hers, the kiss was rough and emotionless, once breaking the kiss he looseness the rope, slowly bringing Kandi down into his arms, he easily cut the ropes and carried her limp and beaten body bridal style back to the mansion without out another word, Once to the mansion Jeff walked her to her bathroom and sat her on the toilet as he started a warm bath, adding bath beads and salts and bubbles, he simply undressed her and tossed her clothes clothes to the side, Kandi at this point didnt even care anymore, all she wanted to do was leave this place and world, she felt so alone.

The warm water stung but felt so amazing as he placed her body in the water, grabbing a wash rag and gently washing off the dried blood on her belly and face, Kandi didnt bother thanking him or even uttering a word to him, she only kept her knees close to her chest and her eyes down at the soapy water, she flinched as she felt his hot breath on her ear, "you will always belong to me, nobody else" and softly kissed the side of her neck before standing up "I'll leave some clothes on your bed, once your finished, get dressed" with that he walked out and shut the door, leaving Kandi alone and was able to finally unwind and relax as she sank into the water and sighed as she closed her eyes.

(Finally done with this chapter!!!! Man Jeff was hella brutal! :O wonder who the next person is and what will happen next!)

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