Ticci Toby (Forced Lemon!)

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(im so glad im getting a lot of readers and likes on this, i cant wait to hear what you think of this!)

Life has most defiantly been tough, living with a mansion full of killers, being punished for things that arnt Kandi's fault, she thought maybe today would be one of those days where she could have one day to herself and actually relax, nobody asked her to do their chores, or use and abuse her, or scare her, it was kind of nice! She sat in her room on her bed watching tv, she smiled as she watched one of her favorite shows while laying on her bed, she was soon distracted from her show when someone knocked on the door, Kandi got up and answered it only to be shocked once she saw who it was, "Toby.........can I help you with something?" Toby and her never really talked or hung out, since Liu/Sully and Jeff had been busy fighting over her for the past week.

"Yeah.....I was wondering if you would like to......come to my room for a little bit......I got this new resident evil game and I thought.........you would like to be my player two?" Kandi looked at Toby, he had his mouth guard and Goggles on, she didnt think she ever saw his face without them on but shrugged and nodded, "sure Toby, I'd love to!" Kandi turned off her tv and followed Toby to his room which was also shared with the other proxies, she walked through the door and soon regretted it, everywhere under the left bunk were photos of her, photos of her sleeping, eating, bathing, exercising, even photos of her in school and at her old home! "T-Toby.....wh-what is going on?....." the door soon slammed shut and locked as she quickly turned around seeing Toby standing by the door swinging a key around his finger, She looked back at his bed and even saw a shirt of hers as a pillow case and one of her favorite stuffied animals!

"Toby.........." once she turned around she found herself soon laying on her back in his bed with him on top of her, he straddled her hips as he reached over to the dresser and pulled out a set of hand cuffs and cuffed her hands to the bed frame, he then started taking off his goggles then his face mask making Kandi gasp in shock, "T-Toby......." Toby then placed a finger on her lips to shush her, "You have no idea how badly I been waiting for this....." he purred softly as he leaned down to her neck and slowly licked up and down the side of her neck, making her shiver and softly moan which surprised the both of them, "I can give you everything that Liu and Jeff cant" he whispered seductively as he softly bit her ear, "Toby.....please......I....I dont want to get in trouble again......" Toby leaned back and began taking off his jacket and muscle shirt, showing his perfectly built body, "What they dont know what kill them, besides your my little secret, my secret play thing, my secret world, my dirty little secret" he purred more as he slowly grinned his hips into hers causing her to softly moan out as she blush as she looked away in disgust, "Dont fight it, baby butter, we both know you like this, I like this.....why fight it, just give in and submit to me"

Kandi blushed more, as much as she hated to admit it this was the most pleasure she had ever gotten, plus she was also a virgin... she gasped once she heard the sound of a zipper sliding down and realize he was unzipping her mini shorts that Jeff had brought her, most of her clothes he brought were pretty revealing and trashy looking, "Toby......pl-please....stop....i...im not ready......" Toby soon stopped once the zipper was fully down and looked up at her "Are you saying that.......your a virgin?......" Kandi blushed even more, This made Toby smirk as he leaned down to suck on her neck, "Then I'll make it special and ill be.....very....gentle...." he purred as he reached over to the stereo on the dresser which started playing Marilyn Manson Tainted Love and had it blasting, he pulled out a small pocket knife and ran it across her swollen breasts before slicing her top in half making her squeak in embarrassment and shock.

he began to unbutton her shorts and started pulling them down when Kandi locked her legs together, "Toby...please....th-this isnt right...." This made Toby glare and growl as he forced her legs apart and yanked her shorts down and smirked at her white lace thong, running the blade softly over her covered womanhood making her whimper and her thighs twitch, "Good girl, do as your told and you wont get punished" he leaned up and undone his jeans showing his red boxers and a large bulge as he leaned back down running his hands gently but firmly over her breasts, leaning close and licking and sucking on each one before taking the knife and cutting it off, this only made Kandi struggle under him and look away as a few tears rolled down her face, Toby noticed this and smiled gently "dont cry princess, the first time is always the most painful but it only hurts for a few seconds, then you'll be begging for more in no time" he wiped her tears away with his thumb before moving down to her breasts and start sucking nipping at her nipples, forcing a lustful moan to escape Kandi's mouth.

Toby smirked as he cut off her thong and blushed as he stared her her bare womanhood, the bulge in his pants only grew and throbbed as he bit his lip, Kandi had no idea wither she should allow this or let this just happen, it wasn't as if she had a chose, She looked away and prayed for someone to burst through the door and stop this, he ran the sharp end of the knife across her womanhood making her whimper and squirm from the sharp metal, it wasn't enough to cut her but it was sharp enough to know it could do some damage, he then pulled down his boxers and smirked "you ready princess?" Kandi whimpered as she looked away from him praying harder someone would help her, even Jeff or Sully or even Liu, she didnt care, as long as she was away from this, just when his man hood stopped at the entrance of hers, the door flew off the hinges as if her prayers have been answered.

"I believe you have something of ours..." Toby growled as he snapped his head back and pulled up his boxers and jeans "man you are seriously a cock block, you know that Woods?" Sully smirked as he crossed his arms, "only when my property is taken from us, now I suggest handing her over otherwise that micro chocolate chip between your legs will be a snack to SeedEater...." (Damn Sully that was savage!) Toby growled as he stood up and glared, "you want the key so bad?....then be a good boy and fetch!" he yelled as he tossed the keys over his head and into the bathroom and right into the sink that went down the drain! This only made Sully ball his fists as he started laughing "that was a foolish mistake Rogers......"

Toby glared and without notice Sully ran at him punching him hard in the face, not even giving him a chance to fight back, this was a side of Liu/Sully she never seen before! each swing cause Toby to bleed out, he wasnt even putting up a fight, which was kind of sad because he was different from all the killers, he was more like the slow one in the group, and the push over, once Sully was finished with Toby he stood up breathing heavy and looked over at Kandi who coward away as much as possible, Sully walked over and took out his knife and began picking at the lock, "fucking Rogers taking my property.....hes fucking lucky im not allowed to kill him and snap his damn neck!..."

the lock on the cuffs finally clicked, releasing her and without thinking she hugged him, she felt so scared of what was about to happen and Sully was the one to save her life, Sully was shocked and stiffen up as he felt her wrap her arms around his waist and sob into his chest, he did not expect this at all! what was he suppose to do? soon Liu took over once again and held her close to him, "shush, its alright now, your safe.....I wont let this creep or anyone ever hurt you again.....I promise...." he then took off his hoodie and wrapped it around her and picked her up bridal style and walked her to his room and locked the door so nobody would bother them as he layed her on his bed and pulled the covers over her body and fell asleep beside her as he held her close to his body, at this point Kandi didnt even care, she couldn't believe she was saved by another killer, she yawned as her eyes began getting heavy and the next thing she knew she was soon feel asleep in his arms.

(Oh man! that was seriously brutal and extreme! I seriously hoped you like this chapter!
I might make some short chapters for each character, and some holiday chapters!
If you have any ideas and requests please feel free to let me know! :D :D :D :D )

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