A cold day in Johto

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Silver's pov.
I decided to head back to Johto after traveling around several regions only to notice that by the end of my journey; I was missing something, well someone to be exact. Weeks went by and that feeling of missing something dug further into my heart as if it was telling me to go home. So I did, I was currently on a train to my hometown, I wonder what it's like now.

It was around December when he decided to head to Johto, he really had no choice. Lance previously told him he lacked love and trust in his life which honestly was true in his case given that he did lack love for a good portion of his life. It was hard for him to trust people. There was no denying that even if Silver would never admit to it, why should he.

Silver took a train to Johto with hopes that he would find what he's missing in his life. The weather was quite chilly, from what he heard on a small radio that it was going to snow. That was just great. He really wasn't prepared for this type of weather; given he was dressed in his light black jacket with red coloration here and there along with gray pants. The more he looked around the area with a neutral expression after he got off the train with the other passengers coming to visit Johto, the more annoyed he got. Where could he possibly go? He wondered, turning his focus on the grayish blue bag barely hanging on his shoulder as he started to rummage through it. There had to be a map in there somewhere! Silver was sure of it.

After several minutes, he ended up empty handed as he mentally cursed himself for losing the map that seemed to be nowhere in sight.

"Just my luck.." The red haired male sighed only for his head to flick up rapidly as he caught sight of an all too familiar pair of goggles on top of a certain blacked haired male's head. Gold. What he was doing here? Visibly shaking from the cold, Silver ran his hands along his arms in order to keep warm only to visibly wince at the sound of his name. This wasn't what he needed, not now.

"Silv- Silver is that you?" A certain raven haired male had spotted Silver, it was hard for him not to notice the red head with his hair sticking out like that. Honestly he would recognize him anywhere after all! The sight of Silver did cause his heart to flutter and his cheeks to flush, thankfully it would look natural in this type of weather. Typlosion stood by his side after catching up to him.

Gold ran up to him quickly after, now merely standing inches from him. "It's been so long.- Are you okay Silvs? You look like you're freezing." Gold simply placed his hand on his shoulder, despite knowing that Silver doesn't like to be touched.

Silver rolled his eyes and huffed out in annoyance, moving his shoulder back, automatically causing Gold to lower his hand.

"Still don't like to be touched I see..."

"Gold.. s-shut up." The cold was starting to get to him but he couldn't bother Gold. It was no doubt the clothing he had on wasn't enough to keep him warm.

"Silvy. Here take my jacket, you need it more than me."

Gold pleaded, slipping his jacket off and holding it out towards Silver. He knew how stubborn his rival could be but he could tell he was cold and deep down he wasn't cruel enough to just let Silver freeze like this.

"No, just no."

Silver refused and even acted stubborn now. Did Gold honestly expect that he would accept his jacket just like that?
Gold knew this would happen but he won't give up not until Silver agreed to take his jacket to which a while later he did. That caused Gold to grin widely even though he would be the one freezing now.
"I'm glad you took the jacket.. now let me find us a place to stay."

"Just don't complain to me when you get cold." Silver half heartedly whispered as he struggled to remain warm while he watched Gold look at a map.

"Don't you worry about me...I be fine with typlosion."
Gold chuckled innocently and patted the fire type Pokémon on the head who huffed in response as he was standing near the Pokémon for warmth and light while he looked at the map.

"There's a pokemon center not too far from here, if we go now we can make it there in minutes..hopefully you won't be bothered too much by me."

Gold was well aware of how much he may annoy Silver. He was always fueling into Silver's hatred for him of him but maybe that won't be the case if they become closer. He always hoped that they could have a friendship going but his heart wanted more. He loved Silver but he wouldn't dare admit it yet.
As he shoved the map back in his backpack,  Gold started to walk in the direction of the Pokémon center.
"Come on Silver."

There was something about Gold that would draw Silver in. The way he always smiled after every battle, the way he cared for his Pokémon and friends no matter what but what caught his attention the most; was that no matter how much he pushed Gold away, he would stay.
Pushing aside his thoughts, he looked up at Gold and simply nodded before letting out.

"I'm coming.." 
His gloved hands were shoved inside of the pockets of the jacket Gold gave him which offered more warmth and caused his heart to beat gently within his chest. Maybe they didn't have to be so distant after all. 
Several minutes had passed and now they were safely standing inside the Pokémon center, basking in the warmth it offered. Silver of course rushed over to the nearest table with Gold following close behind.
They both sat down right after.
Pondering on what to eat, Silver placed one hand beneath his chin before deciding to get a simple soup to warm him up. Gold chose to get a soup as well, agreeing that soup is the best choice of a meal.



"Have you done anything interesting lately..?"

"Recently I saved a mew from a group of team rocket grunts. You?" Silver waves it off as if it's something casual.

"A mew??! That's so cool and you act casual about it too.. well I made eye contact with an entei in the forest but it ran away..."

"That's more interesting than what I done."

Gold's face flushed a light red, unable to keep from looking at Silver, the look in his eyes flashing with love for his rival. It was so addicting. Silver usually never wanted anything to do with him but here they were together in a Pokémon center.

"Silver you're a hero..! Believe it or not.. but to me you are one. What you done is way more interesting than just seeing an entei that ran away.." Silver seemed to have good intentions, just maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

It was Silver's turn to blush as he covers his face. Though he glanced down at the bowls of soup that were placed down before him and Gold by a waiter. Silver began to eat at a moderate pace while Gold seemed to  try to eat as fast as possible.

Gold was well aware that Silver eats slower than him. Lately the compliments he given Silver weren't ignored yet caused his rival to blush and even smile. That was a rewarding sight for Gold to see.

"I'm paying." Silver insisted in a stubborn tone once he finished off his meal yet was met with Gold wanting to pay part of it.


"Come on Silver..it's only fair if you let me pay for part of it at least!"

"Fine.." Silver finally allowed Gold to pay for a part of it while he slipped most of the money needed to pay off the meal only to cast an amused look at Gold who slid over money of his own.

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