The Confession(work in progress.)

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Silver stood up from the table, stretching slightly as he felt the tension in his back disappear, walking for several hours in the cold had caused his      body to feel rather sore. The red head merely glanced at Gold from the corner of his eyes, noticing now the raven haired male couldn't stop looking at him. Though the silence was broken.

"Suppose we get a room for the night..I'm pretty tired after all, what about you?"

The question took Silver out of his thoughts as he simply nodded.
"Mhm I'm pretty tired actually. You will be taking the bed got it? I will sleep on the couch." Silver replied as he walked over to Nurse Joy and asked for a room. Once the key to their room was handed over to him, he started walking down the hall. The number for the room was 205.

"Silv you're taking the bed! I will be the one sleeping on the couch alright?"
Gold didn't want Silver to be uncomfortable, not at all. He knew how hard Silver's life was with his father among other things from his past, he just wanted to give Silver all the good things he lacked in his life even if it was something small, he would do it just to make his rival's life easier.

"Gold..just take the bed please? You're kinder then me after you deserve it."
Silver stubbornly replied in a serious tone as his eyes narrowed.

"Please take the bed."

The raven haired male begged and pleaded. "If you don't take it, we're going to have to share the bed and I'm a don't want that."

He warned in an equally stubborn tone.

"Fine fine, I'll take the bed."

Gold began to grin, smiling happily at Silver for finally agreeing to take the bed in the end and immediately looked over Silver's shoulder to glance down at the room number before grasping Silver by the wrist, dragging him down the hallway to the door of their room.
Silver sighed and stepped into the room once his hand was released. A light blush spread across his face, whether from embarrassment or the fact the one he loved had grabbed his wrist. The room wasn't too large but it would do for the night. He preferred this over anything too fancy anyway. Silver headed towards the bed and immediately sat down on the edge of it as he kicked off his shoes, followed by a yawn parting through his lips.  He was exhausted. In a matter of seconds, he slid beneath the covers, wasting no time in trying to get comfortable. It was quite warm unlike the cold, harsh weather outside that left him on the verge of freezing to death if Gold hadn't found him.

Gold moved over beside Silver, watching the red haired male drift off to sleep so easily. He carefully placed his hand on his shoulder, rubbing it softly as he would whisper. "I'm glad you're giving me the chance to become your friend.. sleep well buddy." Touching Silver didn't seem to bother him, it actually surprised Gold, he was so used to seeing his rival push him away every time he attempted to touch him but now— it seemed that instead of affecting the red head negatively, it actually lured the red head to sleep instantly. It felt like a first to Gold! Though he soon became quiet, laying amongst the bed beside Silver.

His eyes kept fluttering shut as he slowly drifted off to sleep quite quickly with a peaceful look coming across his face from the way Gold's hand suddenly rubbing at his shoulder until he was lured off into a peaceful sleep. The usual scowl that overtook his face was placed with a small smile, completely forgetting that he had on Gold's jacket in the end.

Once morning arose, Silver woke up the sight of Gold beside him, causing his eyes to widen out of surprise but he was happy deep down that Gold had fallen asleep on the bed instead of the couch. He knew the couch wouldn't be all too comfortable either way. A light blush dusted his cheeks as he closed his eyes and wrapped his arms carefully around Gold as to not wake him. This feeling...was quite new to him. He didn't know how much he enjoyed having the raven haired male beside him or how he was able to sleep so easily next to one he used to despise so much. Heat roses up to his cheeks, matching his hair in that moment as his heart would beat steadily within his chest at the thoughts of Gold bombarding his mind in an oh so pleasant manner that left him baffled.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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