Safe: Guy Gardner x Civilian Fem!Reader

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"Could you do a fluff piece for #19? Guy Gardner x Fem!Reader"

Requested by: @nerdstuffandactivism

#19 from the prompt list: "A civilian. Really? You'll be bored within a month."

Reader Type: Female

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Reader Type: Female

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He never expected to fall for a civilian, he never expected to fall at all. But when he saw her yelling profanities at the tv which was showcasing a football game at the sports bar he and the other earth lanterns frequented it was love at first sight. Well... kind of, she was cheering for the rival team.

After a not so sweet exchange of words he offered to buy her a drink to make up for being so rude and they decided to "agree to disagree." because he believed everyone, even she was entitled to their 'wrong' opinion.

As the night went on they shared a couple more drinks a d got to know eachother better. Guy couldn't help but be in awe of the effervescent woman before him. She was perfect.

The way her (color) hair bounced when she'd laugh at one of his jokes, the way her nose would scrunch up whenever she wanted to disagree with him, the way her cheeks would puff whenever he explained why he didn't like one of her favorite sports teams, the way her smile seemed to light up the entire building, the way her eyelashes would flutter as she'd listen intently to his stories, the way she'd pout when she'd explain why she didn't like one of his favorite sports teams, and most of all he loved her dramatic hand genstures which made her seem so into their conversation.

He had to see her again, he just had to.

"Well it was nice meeting you Guy, if that's even your real name, but I have to work tomorrow morning and my ride is here so I need to get going" she explained with a smile as she checked her phone which held an 'I'm outside' text from her Uber driver.

"The pleasure was all mine (Name). Mind if I give you my number? Because I really think we should do this again sometime." He replied, his blue eyes never once leaving her own (color) eyes. His signature cocky smirk was no where in sight, instead it was replaced by a soft smile and coral adorning his cheeks.

"I'd like that as well." She replied with a toothy grin as they exchanged phones and typed in eachother's numbers.

Guy couldn't help but watch as she walked out of the crowded sports bar. He could swear that the light and the appeal of the place walked out the door along with her.

"I think I'm in love." He murmured to himself after a few minutes of staring at the doorway, hoping the sassy girl would come right back in and bring the light back to the boring bar.

"A civilian. Really?" Kyle asked his friend as he took a seat on the empty stool on the right of Guy. "You'll be bored within a month." Hal informed him as he took a seat on the empty stool at the left of guy, where (Name) had previously been sitting.

"What's that supposed to mean flyboy." Guy asked the veteran lantern in a huffed tone as he turned to face him. Hal just rolled his eyes and turned to look at Kyle who just shook his head and gave him an 'I'm not getting involved in this bullshit' expression.

"It means you're Guy Gardner. You're a cosmic daredevil, a civilian's life would be to dull to keep your interest for too long." Hal explained to his ginger friend. Truth is he'd love to see Guy happy with someone but he didn't want his friend hurting some innocent girl's feelings.

"It's not about her life. It's about the type of person that she is, her personality is what matters to me. I've seen the universe and after speaking to her, even if it was just for two hours, to me she's the most interesting person in it so far, after me of course. She may not be a hero, an alien, a meta human, or a vigilante but that doesn't matter to me. She gave me the two most interesting hours of my life." Guy explained as he kept his eye on the doorway once more.

What had this girl done to him? In a matter of hours she had him wrapped around her fingers. Although he didn't mind, not one bit.

Guy was taken out of his thoughts by sniffling coming from Kyle. "That's beautiful you big lug." The younger lantern said as he threw himself on Guy and gave him a tight bear hug. Guy sighed and hugged the younger man back. "At least you're a better hugger than Stewart." The ginger grumbled.

The next morning he texted (Name) in order to set up a date for later that week. Soon months had gone by and he found himself confiding in her with everything in his life.

She made him feel safe. He was usually the one going around protecting people all over the universe but with (name) he felt like he was being protected. Her hugs were impenetrable and her kisses never failed to sooth him when he was stressed out.

Months soon turned into years and the loud mouth beauty he met at a sports bar soon turned into his loud mouth beautiful wife, and he couldn't be happier with the outcome.

She was the most perfect being in the universe to him, even if they did disagree on sports teams.

All his life all Guy wanted was a strong and loving family, and he got a taste of that with the lanterns but now he had a chance to start his own with (name) and there was no chance in hell he was ever going to mess this up.


"A civilian wife huh?" Hal asked Guy as he took a seat next to him as they both watched his two twin daughters play in the backyard with Simon and John.

Louise and (your mother's name) were the perfect combination of (name) and Guy. They had his fiery ginger hair and personality and (name)'s (color) eyes and (complexion color) skin tone.

"And what about it flyboy?" Guy replied teasingly. "Nothing. Maybe you just have the right idea is all." Hal said with a soft smile.

"Guy? With a right idea? Don't make me laugh Jordan." (Name) teases as she handed the two men their glasses of lemonade. "You're right. What was I thinking." Hal replied sarcastically.

~A/N: the og post will be linked below, feel free to make requests for your faves on my tumblr @ 90s-belladonna , I take anon requests as well!~

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