Saving Grace: Guy Gardner x Younger Fem!Reader

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Request: "Could you do relationship headcanons for 11 and 82 with a  younger female reader saying it to guy gardner? Definitly can add angst but ending with fluff?? Thank you so so much!"

Requested by: @nerdstuffandactivism

#11 from the prompt list:  "You deserve the moon and all of the stars."
#82 from the prompt list:  "Why do you completely shut down anyone who tries to help you? Who hurt you? Who did that to you!"

"#82 from the prompt list:  "Why do you completely shut down anyone who tries to help you? Who hurt you? Who did that to you!"

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Reader Type: Female

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They say he's too immature, that he moves way too fast for his own good, and that he can't take anything seriously, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Sure he was a bit of a goof... okay a huge goof, and sure he never hesitates to do something, and yes he's always smiling in the face of danger, but behind closed doors Guy Gardner was level headed, attentive , and cared way too much for his own good. I think keeping up the happy go lucky persona is slowly getting to him and it's especially evident when something horrific happens.

He's a great boyfriend, really! But sometimes he tends to keep things to himself so I won't worry, but I can tell from the way his blue eyes lose their usual sparkle when something is wrong. I can tell from the way his usually tidy red hair becomes unkept. I can tell from the way his voice isn't as confident or as loud as it usually is. I can tell from the way he pushes me away and refuses to talk to me about anything he deems to be 'too heavy', I can always tell.

We met when he saved me, after a particularly strong earthquake hit my city, from being squashed by a falling building, I was nineteen then and he was twenty eight, but the age gap didn't matter, I knew I was in love with him the moment (eye color) met blue. We've been together ever since, for two years now, but it might as well be a lifetime since I know him better than anyone and he knows me more than anyone ever has.

I was used to to him pulling away for a bit whenever he came back from space, usually I put all my focus into college to avoid worrying about him too much and giving him the space he needs to process things, but this time it was different. He wasn't recovering, no matter how much space and time I gave him. He couldn't even fake a smile for the public anymore. He was holding something in but whenever I'd bring it up, or try to get him to open up he'd leave.

"Why do you completely shut down anyone who tries to help you? Who hurt you? Who did that to you?" I couldn't help myself, I just had to know. Tears were racing down my face as I cuddled into his chest. "It doesn't matter (name)." He mumbled as he began to trace circles into my back in an attempt to soothe me. "It matters to me. You're everything to me, seeing you so distraught, and you refusing to speak to me about what's troubling you, do you know what that does to me? It's killing me Guy." I cried out through sniffles. All I want to do is help you, you big idiot.

"I'm okay." He groaned as he pulled me closer into his chest. It was clear that he was not okay. The way he clung to me was like he was clinging to life or something just that precious. "You can't lie to yourself all you want, but you can't lie to me. I know you too well Gardner." I spoke as I removed myself from his chest and attempted to straddle him so he wouldn't attempt running away. We will be having this conversation whether he likes it or not.

"You wouldn't understand. You're still so young." He spoke as he rolled his eyes. " I may not be a guardian of the cosmos but I've experienced life, a tough one at that. So yeah I may not have the same experiences as you, but don't speak to me as if I'm a child." I snapped. He had never brought up our age gap before, and I knew he didn't actually care it was just his defense mechanism. If he couldn't physically runaway, he'd runaway emotionally.

His eyes seemed to soften at my defiant words, like something finally clicked, that wasn't going to give up on him. He stared at me for about five minutes before finally speaking up. "We- when I was up there we had to fight in a bit of a war... spoiler alert, we lost one of the battles. A whole entire planet, along with it's population was disintegrated, and fifty seven lanterns died. I barely made it out alive myself. We eventually won but... we just lost so much. We couldn't even recover most of the bodies. It was just a lot." He never once met my eyes, his were shut the entire time, as if remembering the traumatic event. I didn't say anything, I just pulled him in for an even tighter hug.

We stayed like that for what seemed like hours before I finally spoke up again. "you need to speak up about these type of things Guy. Holding them in, it won't do you any favors babe, none at all. You know that I'm here for you for every step of the way of this Green Lantern stuff, the good, the bad, the ugly, I'm here for you no matter what okay...I'm never leaving you. But you should talk to a professional."

"I'm not used to ... you know, voicing my emotions. I had to keep a lot in growing up. I'll work on it, for you. Also, I'm sorry for earlier. Bringing up your age, treating you like a kid, and most importantly pushing you away. You're everything to me (full name), I need to treat you like the queen that you are, that's my bad." He spoke softly before placing a soft kiss on my forehead. "Guy Gardner, you're one in a million, you deserve the moon and all of the stars." I softly spoke before pulling him into a much needed kiss. "You're my saving grace." He whispered against my lips once we finally pulled away from our passionate kiss.

~A/N: og post to be linked below~

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