🐧 Define 🐧

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Stars ─» they shon brightly day and night. I don't know how they manage it. All that beauty, roaring boldly for eternity. However, this wasn't the case on that starless night...

Constellations ─» must feel nice to have friends. A group to belong to. So well known you get your own title. Wonder how I could get a title like that? Guess it doesn't matter anymore...

Beauty ─» unobtainable? Nope. Selective? Yes. We're all prone to rapid judgement. Fact is fact. View is view. Is it looks or personality that makes a person?

Forest ─» A maze to the wrong people, an opportunity to the right. Weave through branches. Tumble through leaves. Are you tough enough for the picketed brambles?

Gravity ─» Heavy. Light. Weightless? I can't tell anymore in this upside down world. I knew this adventure would've been unusual but this is just terrifying.

Stop ─» I told them I didn't want to. They insulted me... Did it matter to them? Should it matter to me? I don't know anymore.

Unspoken ─» Does it need to be said? Why does everyone want me to talk. It's so tiresome. At least they understand...

Rumors ─» Here. No there! What about there? A rumor can leave you lost. Chase its source and you might find treasure. Greet its source and you'll likely meet concrete. They can be dastardly little things.

Dream ─» Husky shells with survey the water. Pirates chant the shanty of primitives. Adolescent fiends tame faes for friends. Fear and wonder blended together. A dream can be anything you've ever wanted...

Each of the above have their own chapters (you do not have to read in order)

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