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                          (Present Day)

We laid there for quite a while. Sweat was dripping off of his body into the bedsheets, he tried to hold my hands but noticing me not giving in, he tried no more. I got up and move towards the wine cabinet. His eyes was ogling my naked butt. I took out two flutes and filled it with champagne. Taste of victory but he will be getting something else as I victor over him. From the cabinet I took out my partner in crime, a vial of white powder. I mixed exactly enough to knock my date unconscious for the next 10 to 12 hours. Enough time. I turned on the music player and it started playing some soft music.

I handed him his flute and he drank all of it in one go unhinted about the consequences, his manly instinct not giving way to the enjoyment of having champagne. Men, they never really understood what patience really is. If they had known they would have excelled in a lot of ways, for example not falling in my trap. And the worst thing about men is when lust fills their mind they think with their knees. Give them a hint of cleavage and they want to have all of your breasts and for that you can make them do anything you want, you can make them your bitch. Men are filthy creatures and filth deserves to be treated as filth.

I drank it slow, enjoying the symphony of joy in my taste buds as the music soothed my ears. The view in front of me was dim lit. My date was lying on the bed, stark naked, unconscious and ready for me to do whatever I want with him. I finished my drink and the song ended too. I wrapped a bed sheet around me and began going through his clothes. I found what I needed, his phone. 

It was locked and modern technology gave me an advantage here. It was fingerprint-locked. I pressed his thumb on the sensor and it opened with a click sound. I turned on the lights of the room. He is indeed handsome, I feel pity for doing this to him but he has fallen into my trap, poor thing.  From another cabinet I took out the ropes I needed. I tied one ends to each of his limbs and the other ends to the bed. I opened the camera on his phone and took photos of him from every angle. I sat down beside him and then sent the photos to all contacts on his phone, I posted them on every social media app he had, destroying his image, reputation and everything he has ever achieved. He will not be awake until another 10 hours and this would give it enough time to spread all over the internet. I laid there beside him and took out my phone. I deleted my account on the dating app, not to mention it was a fake id all together, the id proofs to book this hotel is also fake. I took out my sim card, broke it into pieces and kept it in my bag, the id proofs to make the sim card was also fake. The police can’t find any fingerprints because in a hotel room thousands of fingerprints can be found. I smirked. So, Mr.Arush you are an easy prey, I hunted you without breaking a sweat but you did made me orgasm so thank you. As a thank you gift, I put on my lipstick and painted his chest with a kiss.

I gathered my things and put on my clothes. Before leaving I took one final photo from my camera. Seeing a man so helpless like that makes me wet and I can’t wait to go home and relieve myself from this sexual urges or maybe I will do it in the cab as I put on a show for the driver, who knows?

I made my way towards the lift. Men always thinks that strength is everything, no doubt their physical strength can take them places but women have power, the right women can control everything, every situation. Even if their world seems ending, the right women will create her own world. When my world seemed to end, I was the one saving it and then my world seemed changed, it seemed abandoning me and it threw me away but I had the power to create my world, a new world again. 

I broke out from my universe of memories, the lift was near. I breathed in deeply, I can smell the scent of victory. I was a little far away when a man entered the lift and pressed the button for his destined floor. I shouted but he couldn’t hear me because he was wearing headphones, I couldn’t run because of the heels either. His back was facing me so I couldn’t even wave my hands to capture his attention. Even after entering the lift he was still facing with his back. The lift doors began to close and I hurried my pace.

Now I have to wait for the lift. Fuck me! A man winning over me. My victory is ruined.

Just as the lift doors was about to close, the man turned revealing his face. He had a cigarette dangling from the corner of his lips, all mascular physique.I knew those brown eyes, I knew that beard, I knew the scar on his jaw that the beard was covering, I knew it all. I knew this face, I knew this man. Knew him better than anyone can ever know anyone. It was the man who has made me like this, made me hate ‘men’. The man I love, The man I despise, Raghu.  

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