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                              (Present Day)

I woke up to an empty bed. Raghu wasn’t there. The morning sunlight slanting on the place where he slept last night. My eyes fell upon the ring box which he kept on the side table last night, 2 years before I didn’t even knew him and last night he proposed me to be his forever. I didn’t answer him and how could I? This wasn’t meant to go like this, it never meant to be. I am not the right girl for him and I can never be.

But what will I tell him? How will I tell him? This wasn’t supposed to be love, but somehow it feels like it. His bluish eyes that sparkle ever so brightly when I kiss him, how he touches me like I am an illusion and touching me will ruin that illusion and how he hugs me like I am going to run away.

I wasn’t ever treated like the way he treated me, why will I be treated? I was sold by my own parents when I was 6 years old to an ugly old man and his ugly wife, they raised me with several other girls of various age in Delhi, the capital city of India. For several years they raised me like a princess only to uncover their real intentions when I was 13. Every other night, I was taken to a house, different each of time where a man would take me. They would undress me, force their tongue down my mouth and penetrate their genitals onto mine. It pained me but whenever I complained I was abused by the ugly man and his wife until I stopped crying. I soon understood what I am used for and hated everything around me. Like someone has stripped me off of my happiness.

But when I met Raghu, the way he turned my world upside down, makes me believe that all these years were a nightmare and Raghu is the dream I never want to wake up from. Maybe it was just fate, or star crossed love or just a conspiracy. Whatever it was, I wasn’t going to tell Raghu and destroy everything.

I fiddled with my thoughts when Raghu made his way into the room. He look haggard, as if someone has sucked all the happiness and all the life out of him. I rushed towards him and made him sit on the bed when I realized I wasn’t wearing any clothes and the door was open. I closed the door and sat next to him.

“What happened? Where were you?” I queried

“I was in the terrace” saying that he hugged me, his face touching my bosom. Some tears escaped from his eyes. I thought of pushing him to tell me what exactly had happened but I let him be emotional so that it will become light for him to discuss. He held me for a long time and finally leaves me, rubbing the tears off of his eyes.

“The past incidents of my life is haunting me. And I think it will ruin everything, everything including you and me” he said.

“Everybody has a past Raghu but however bad that is doesn’t matter as long as you have changed or understood your wrongs. You have me now Raghu and I have you, as long as we are true to us, no past matters to me” I consoled. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to know about his past but I didn’t wanted him to know about mine so I had to lie to him, every time.

“I was in the terrace, watching the skyline and I just encountered some weird things and I blanked out. When I was conscious again, I was lying on the terrace and my head hurted and everything seemed like a nightmare” he said.

I kept silent. I didn’t want him to suffer but what choice did I have that’s when it hit me that I have a choice. I pushed my face and met his lips. He didn’t kiss me back at first but I kept on kissing him and he finally gave in, his hands finding just the right places to fondle. In between my kisses I whispered in his mouth “Yes”

He first didn’t understood and kept on kissing but it finally gripped his thought and he stopped. He was startled for a few seconds and then he wrapped me in an embrace, rolling me over all over the bed, my naked body melting on his body.

“So Mira did you finally accepted my proposal?” he asked like a child.

I didn’t reply and began moving my hands on his erection. He took it as a yes perhaps and closed his eyes as I went down on him. We made love, erotic and sensual, and I fell asleep in his arms.

When I woke up, he was sitting on the couch, a half burnt cigarette dangling from his fingers. A sense of mystery shelling him, as if he was present in the room but lost somewhere else. He didn’t even noticed that I have woken up.

“Are you okay?” I asked him.

The trance got broken, he looked at me, his face screaming that it isn’t okay but his mouth whispered “Absolutely”

He brushed off of his thoughts and got up and said “I am famished, aren’t you? Let us go for a brunch cause the time for breakfast is long gone” he showed his wristwatch and broke into laughter. I joined him. He told me to get fresh and ready and picked up a magazine. As I was entering the bathroom, I looked at him, lost in his thoughts again, the magazine was unopened. He was thinking hard, as if he is figuring out some absurd question, as if a ghost from his past is haunting him. But he was also trying  not to let me know, or ruin the proposal acceptance.

I didn’t took much time and found him already ready to go out. He declared “I searched online and we are going to Paperboy Paris. After all, I am here for only 5 days. And my office paid it off, so I need not worry, right?”

“Yeah right” I said in a sarcastic tone.

Since I met Raghu, he has been this determined in his job. His job and I was the only two things that he loved the most. His whole world in centered on this. He spent his whole day either with me or in the office. His hard work made the company a fortune within a short time and the company made Raghu the CFO.

We left our room and walked towards the elevator. I suddenly realized I left my phone in the room. I told Raghu to wait and made my way towards the room. I unlocked the room, and found the phone on the bed. The screen was lit up. A message just arrived. I wanted to check but didn’t wanted Raghu to wait so I locked the room again and saw Raghu waiting near the elevator. I took a quick glance at the message on my phone and a chill ran down my spine. I stopped on my way, Raghu didn’t saw me as he was facing the other way.  I read it again and pressed the delete button.

As the message was getting deleted, the contents of the message ran through my mind, only two lines of text:


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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