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                                                                                     (Present Day)

I planted the kiss on his cheeks. It felt cold, his cheeks and his heart as well. It used to feel so warm; it used to feel like home. I turned to leave and hurried towards the door. I turned to see him one last time. He was standing like that, motionless and still like a statue, carved by an expert but a statue nonetheless. God he is still that Raghu, his smirk, his blue eyes that pierce right through your soul, his constant licking his lips to make them wet, his well toned body, and his messed up mind he hasn't changed.

I hurried down to the elevator and onto the road to stop a taxi. I wanted to give the driver a show but things got messed up and now I just wanted to go home. I stopped the taxi two blocks away from my home and walked off the rest. I went straight to shower and scrubbed my skin until I was satisfied that the filthy smell of the boy whose life I just destroyed was completely off of my body.

I slumped in my bed; the taste of victory was sweeter this time for I have found my next and last prey. I tried to sleep but his memories didn't let me. The memories of the nights we spent in his room, his perfect abs and his blue eyes. I loved him with all my heart and no matter how many pieces he has broken my heart, there is a piece right there piercing his love into my soul.

Even his memories can turn me on. I was wet and I realized I can't sleep without letting myself off the edge. I closed my eyes, trying to imagine anything that turns me on and all I could think was of Raghu. I dug my fingers in my vagina, slow strokes as first as I began looping over our memories, how he made me his no matter how strong my guards were, he made me submit every time. He was a drug and I wanted him running through my veins. I was getting wetter with every passing minute, I threw off my blanket and the cold air twingled my private areas, I started getting faster. It didn't took me long to came and was exhausted.

I inhaled deeply, grasping his memories. I missed him and for a moment I let myself to be vulnerable. I curled myself into the blanket again as my pillowed soaked in the tears silently. It has been 5 years and my pillows silently soaked my tears each night as I broke down to his memories. But my vulnerable moment passed as fast as it came. I checked the time; it was 3 in the morning. I needed some fresh air, so I went downstairs dressed in my pajamas and get into the car. I revved up the engine and headed towards nowhere.

For the first few minutes I just drove straight, I had no place to go. I had no friends in particular, none that I can go to at 3 in the morning. I wanted to light a cigarette but remembered that nicotine and I don't really go hand in hand. I leaned on the steering and kept hitting the gas until finally I realized I was subconsciously on my way to somewhere. It took me exactly 8 minutes more to reach the gates of St.Miles College , the place where it all began; exactly five years before.

(5 Years Before)

"Come out" a voice shouted with a bang on my door. My phone showed it was 2 in the morning. I was frustrated but then another bang came so I reluctantly got out of my bed to answer it. I opened the door and found a group of girls on the door.

"Come on freshy, let us show what St. Miles is like" a girl said, taking my hand and almost dragging me out of the room. I realized what this was; the ragging culture that St. Miles is known for. I thought of protesting but realized I had no other options left.

The girl didn't let go of my hand and soon I found myself in a room with few other students, some of their heads down a.k.a the freshys and some others shouting, taunting, hooting and whatnot a.k.a the seniors. Over the next fifteen minutes or so, some more students came and joined, as the seniors like to call it, the 'party'

The ragging started with a formal introduction of everyone while one senior noted down their names and after it was finished, the names were called in random to do some 'tasks' that the seniors gave. The first boy was said to drink a pint of beer and solve a mathematical equation and in each step he has to drink half a pint more and in every one minute he has to drink half more. Every task that they gave was elaborately planned and deliberately given based on whoever they like. One girl was said to take off her bra underneath her top and put it on a guy she likes and when she is doing so, that guy has to kiss the guy on both his sides on their mouth.

One thirds of the student was finished, all of them broken, crying and scarred for life. But the seniors showed no mercy, for they faced the same when they were freshys probably. I was nervous, sweating and praying to God that they go easy on me, but everything went blank when my name was called. A chill run down my spine as I made my way to the podium, my hands sweating, I fumbled on my way which was received by laughters but managed my way somehow.

One senior girl smirked as she held the microphone to give me the 'task'. With each passing second, my nervousness sky-rocketing.

"So your task is...." She started to speak when a boy behind her shouted, "Stop"

My eyes fell upon him, he was a senior. He removed the hood of his jacket unraveling his face, the most handsome that I ever encountered. His blue eyes falling upon me made me feel intimidated and loved at the same time, like he was controlling my eyes. He was smiling and made his way to the front.

"Raghu, no , for goddsake not this time" the girl with the microphone said but he grabbed the mic from her and started coming up on stage without even paying heed to the girl. He came on the stage, almost three feet apart from me and goddamn he was looking hot.

Raghu. For a moment I was lost in him but then I snapped back to reality as he started to speak,

"Akansha, isn't it?" he asked with his charming smile. Goddamn he can charm any girl. I nodded.

He smiled at me again and began taking off his jacked, which was followed by unbuttoning his shirt. He was stripping and the girls were awestruck with his chiseled body. The lining of his underwear visible from his low waist jeans. The heat of the room was going up, my face was burning with intimidation and embarrassment.

"So Akansha your task is to lick my abs and make sure to put on the best show for the guys" he smiled.

DAMN Raghu, stop smiling.

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