In The Beginning (Cont.)

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SCENE SIXTEEN: HEART OF RYOJIMA CITY, DOWNTOWN 8:27 AM The camera displays a wide view of tall buildings, skyscrapers, and bright signs. There are various people in the city and the streets are congested with traffic. The camera zooms in on a traffic light, it turns from red to green. Shikauhno is standing in the heart of Ryojima City taking in all of the scenery. She is standing in front of a large water fountain.

Shikauhno sees two twins with their mother and she finally speaks aloud, "It's been forever since..." before she can finish her words a guy suddenly snatches her purse out of her right hand.

"Hey!" Shikauhno chases after him.

"Stop, you thief!" She yells after him; civilians stare at her without intervening.

The thief looks back at Shikauhno and she almost catches him by the collar, but people crowd her and block her path. The thief manages to slip away and Shikauhno gives up. She stops chasing him and catches her breath.

"My purse," she sadly utters, "All of my money was in there." She drops her head in defeat.

The camera shows the thief run into a large black man who is at least seven feet.

The thief takes a good look at the gigantic man and he gulps in fear. He backs away and cowers, "I uh...I didn't mean to. I just wanted some smokes man!" The thief drops the purse and runs away.

Shikauhno sees that the thief has relinquished her purse with the large gentleman now holding it. "Thank god." She runs towards him.

She reaches the light and sees no one. She glances around, "Huh, where'd that big guy go?" Her eyes slowly fall upon a streetlight and she gives it a double take.

Her purple purse is sitting atop a streetlight pole. She stares at it annoyed, "How did that even...?" -___- She sadly puts her head down.

The camera shows the outside of a building with the name MAsaku (Mah-sock-ooh) displayed on it. The camera reveals the interior of the building.

The floor is made of expensive wood, the walls are a creamy color and there is a sixty inch flat screen television, aquarium, a vase encased in glass, and a dark furniture set.

The camera views the back of a man who is sitting on the couch. There is a guitar case sitting next to him on the couch. He sports a rat-tail on the left side of his head. His hair is uneven and blonde with blue highlights. He has five ear piercings, two on the right and three on the left, and he is watching the news on the large television screen.

A female news reporter with short brown hair is on the screen. She is wearing a red pantsuit, "Since 2010, the national homicide rate in all of Japan has increased by nearly thirty percent. As you can see this has surpassed the record from the year 1996."(The screen displays a comparative line graph between the number of homicides from 1996 to 2013. Percentages are used to describe the graph.)"With breaking news, Ryo Yamano (Rio Yah-mi-no) has been reported missing. As many may know Mr. Yamano is well known throughout Japan for creating and popularizing virtual reality live action video games."

The reporter is in front of the crime scene. "Behind me is where Mr. Yamano's car was found crushed by unknown causes of which is currently undergoing investigation."

The picture of Ryo Yamano is displayed on the television screen, he was the businessman who was murdered in scene fourteen.

The reporter continues, "He was last seen in his office around nine thirty pm by his close colleagues. With me is his nine year old daughter, Misuzaka (Mi-su-zah-cuh), and his wife Rachel Yamano."

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