Wedding bells

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Annabeth's Pov

Today's the day. The day I marry the love of my life, Percy Achilles Jackson.

I wish I could say the day started off easy. But in the life of a demigod, that just doesn't happen. Still, we tried to make the best out of it.

"You will NOT ruin today , you leacherous monsters! Mark my words I swear to all the gods I'll kill you before you ruin Percabeth's wedding!"

As I said, try.

"Calm down Piper. It's just some small daily monsters. One quick swip and they're back to... there. " I replied as I rubbed Piper McLean - AKA one of my bridesmaid and bestfriend - shoulders as she tried calming herself down.

"Okay, now I'm calm. How is it that today's YOUR wedding day yet you are the most calm person ever?" She said as she looked at me.

"Well, because I don't care as long as me and Seaweed brain get married today. Actually, he suggested to me yesterday that we just elope in Vegas, but then again, our memories of Vegas aren't that great. So.." I shrug as I gave her a reply back as we trudged inside the Aphrodite cabin, which was made the defacto headquaters for all the female wedding party to get ready in, for obvious reasons. Percy and the men were in his cabin, as it was just him in there most of the time, even though he has a little sister now too.

Piper just laughed as she pushed me inside the cabin first. Inside I met my other bridesmaid, Hazel Levesque. I gave her a hug as I situated myself on the makeup chair, looking at both of my best friends for the next move. I hadn't planned anything for today, I know very Un-Annabeth like , but I had to deal with another quest from Apollo just two days ago, saying it was payment for him 'gracing' us with his presence in the wedding.

If it was upto me, I wouldn't even be allowing any of the gods - Save our parents - withing a hundred mile radius, let alone inviting them to my wedding, but alas, the fates are just cruel.

I looked around, noticing one other important person missing. "Where's Thalia? She was supposed to be here now. " I said as I started to bite my nails, making Hazel rip them from my mouth. "Do you remember the amount of time and patience to do this manicure?!?" Piper said as she scolded me.

"Sorry mum." I sniggered as I looked at Hazel, who too was sporting a small smile as she rolled her eyes at me playfully.

"I'm here bitches. Ready to get my bestfriend married to the Kelphead!" My maid of Honor, aka Thalia Grace has arrived everyone.

"Remember he's your bestfriend too , Thals." I pointed out softly as Thalia rolled her eyes a bit but nodded. I looked at my group of girls around me, remembering all that we had to go through to get here. "Now I can start getting ready." I softly smiled at the three girls as I went to the bathroom to bathe.


Percy's pov

"Where's my Mom? I thought Chiron had allowed her and Paul with Estelle for today?" I said as I loosened the green colored tie I had over my neck. Unlike normal days, I was ready before everyone.

Jason had rolled his eyes when Leo ran away screaming, "IT'S THE APOCALYPSE EVERYONE! PERCY IS EARLY!" Well, not my fault that I'm excited for my own wedding. I'm just waiting for the day Leo has his with Calypso.

Oh wait, he would probably burn down the altar. Nevermind. . .

"I'm here Percy! Will you calm down!" Came in my mom's voice as she had my little sister in her arms as she ran inside my room.

"Mom!" I said as I went in to hug her, chuckling as I heard Stella (Estelle's nickname) groan as we had smushed her in the hug. "Hey little Stelly." I said as I ruffled her hair a bit, as she looked at me with sleepy brown eyes. "Ey Pevsy." Her sleepy voice called our as she closed her eyes again. I smiled softly for a bit, tranquil just watching my sister sleep in my mother's arms.

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