Melody Diamond

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(A/N: Hey guys! Another clueless mortal. No flames please!)


"Honey! Melody, dear, wake up!" Mom yelled.

I rubbed my eyes as I cracked them open. I grabbed my glasses from my nightstand and placed them on.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back, slipping on my furry bunny slippers and running out of my room and down to the kitchen.

Bacon sizzled in the pan and the toaster dinged as two, hot, buttery slices of bread slid out of it.

My mom flipped the eggs while she spoke on the phone.

Dad was reading the newspaper, glasses perched at the tip of his nose, eyes quickly scrolling throught the articles.

They were both dressed in suits, all fancy and stuff.

My mom hung up, slid all of the food on the plate, took off her apron, then wiped sweat off of her forehead.

"Where are you going?" I asked them, sliding into my chair.

"Melody, we'll be out for the day. We'll be home tomorrow, because we have a business trip," my dad explained.

He looked at my mom, then back at me. "Now, your mother and I have gotten a babysitter for you."

I raised my eyebrows. "A babysitter? Mom, dad, I'm twelve, I kno--"

"Your cousin, Percy will be gere in an hour," my mom interrupted.

"Yes!" I pumped my fist in the air.

My mom's younger brother, Uncle Paul, has a step son. Percy is 17, and he's awesome.

My mom kissed my head and my dad gives me a pat on the back.

I wave them a goodbye and run back upstairs, changing into some shirt and leggings. I grab on my beanie and plugged on my earphones connect it to my phone, as I walked back down the stairs.

I lay back down on the couch, limbs sprawled out.

Ding Dong!

I scrambled up and ran to the door. I opened it and exclaimed, "Percy!"

He walked in and ruffled my brown hair. "Hey Melo. I brought some friends, do you mind?"

I shook my head. "No, not at all."

A lot of people came in.

"Woah, Percy. I didn't expect you to bring a whole party!" I exclaimed.

A blond girl smirked. "We come in a pack, honey," she said, patting me on the head.

"Mel, this is Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Leo, Reyna, Nico, and Rachel. Guys, this is Melody, my cousin," Percy said.

The girl with paint-splattered jens pinched my cheeks. "She's adorable!"

I smiled. "Do you guys want anything? I could get something to eat," I offered.

"Do you have chips or something?" Leo asked.

I nodded. "Okay, maybe we'll all get that?" Reyna said.

Everyone nodded. I went to the kitchen and grabbed some chips. When I came back, they were scrolling through Netflix.

"We have to watch The Notebook!" Frank yelled.

"Back to the Future!" Nico.

"Nemo!" You know who.

"Olympus has Fallen!" Annabeth.

"Minions!" Leo.

"Me Before You!" Piper.

"Batman v. Superman!" Jason.

"Really, Superman?" That was Nico.

"Okay, geez, guys. Reyna, Rachel, and I agreed on Crazy Stupid Love," Hazel said.

"Miss Praetor, Gewel Girl, and the Oracle. What a trio! We can't go against them. They are too powerful!" Nico dramatically wailed. The back of his hand found his forehead.

"Death Breath finally has a sense of humor," Jason chided.

"Well, I like Crazy Stupid Love," Annabeth shrugged.

"Well, we're decided?" Piper asked.

Frank nodded. "I just really want to see Ryan Gosling. He's Canadian, like me!"

"We all know that you are a Chinese-Canadian baby man," Leo said, patting Frank on the back.

"Oh, shut up, Repair boy. At least I'm a man, not a boy!"

We all settled down on a couch. Occasionally, Reyna would cover my eyes if their was a scene that was... not suited for my age.

Percy and Jason were bawling when Robbie gave his speech. Percy had the hyperventilating cry, and Jason was hysterical. Annabeth passed them some tissues.

"Oh shoot!" I exclaimed. "I forgot to do my math homework!"

"Homework?" Annabeth perked up.

Everyone groaned. She ran over and grinned.

"I could help you!" She was smiling so wide, it probably hurt.

I brought dpwn my homework and Annabeth helped me get it done in 5 minutes. I was astounded.

"Annie! Wise Girl!" Percy yelled.

"What do you want? And don't call me Annie, Seaweed Brain!"

"We're heading to the beach! Do you guys want to come?" He asked.

Annabeth looked at me. I gave her a shrug.

"Yup!" She exclaimed.

Percy drove us down to the beach.

Piper whooped, "Surfing!!!"

She grabbed an orange surfboard, handed the guy at the counter $20 and yelled, "Keep the change!"

I followed in suit, except I asked for the change.

I chose a green one, Annabeth got a plain white one, Percy got blue (obviously), Frank, Hazel, Jason, and Reyna got purple, Nico got black, Rachel got green, and Leo got a fire design one. Leo was really picky.

Piper dragged me to the shore and taught me how to surf. I soon got the hang of it.


"Beauty Queen here is really passionate," Leo said. We were done surfing, and now sitting at a bonfire they prepared, by the shore, eating some snacks.

It was sun down. Percy drove us back, and we all truged back into the house, quite tired.

"Mel, we'll head off now, okay? Take care of yourself," Percy said, ruffling my hair again.

"M'kay," I yawned.

They all filled in his van again and left.

The day was fun, it really was. Although I had fun, they left me a litte confused. Their nicknames were quite intriguing.

Superman? Miss Praetor? Gem Girl? The Oracle? Death Breath? Chinese-Canadian Baby Man? Repair Boy? Wise Girl? Seaweed Brain? Beauty Queen?

I guess I'll have to find out on my own.

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