Kori Ana

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I groaned and stood up from my bed groggily, slamming my hand on the alarm clock that was blaring on my lamp table. I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms around, feeling sore in some places. My door creaked open.

"Sis, be down by 9. Mom's gonna drive you to fencing," my sister said, poking her head in my room.

"Yeah, yeah, I will," I said, shoving her out of my room and shutting the door close.

I opened the door to my closet and flicked on the light. I grabbed a random pair or leggings and a shirt. 'This should be good enough,' I thought, turning the light off and closing the door. I entered my bathroom and splashed some water on my face. I combed my red hair straight, and danced around with the music blaring from my white beats pill while I was at it. I had gotten the speaker on my birthday. It was the last birthday I had with a complete family.

My parents separated 2 years ago when I was 12. My sister and I had chosen to stay with my mom, while my younger brother stayed with my dad. I was the eldest. They didn't agree on shared custody. It was really hard for me, so I took up fencing. It allowed me to relax and let out my emotions.

When I finished, I picked up my phone and collapsed on my bed. 8:41. Couple minutes to spare. I got my earphones and plugged them into my phone. I pressed the home button to see the beautiful face of Sehun. Yes, I am an EXO-L and Sehun is my bias. (A/N: Mine is Chanyeol, but Sehun is like... amazing.) I went to my music and played Monster.

Soon it was 9, and I had to go downstairs. I grabbed my bag with my fencing stuff as I made my way downstairs. My mom gave me a sandwich and some juice to eat before we left.

The next thing I knew, we were backing out of the driveway in our 2015 black Honda Civic. My house was quite far from the fencing school, so I decided to listen to some music. I listened to some EXO again, as usual.


We pulled up at the entrance of my fencing academy, big, bold, red letters spelling out CALIFORNIA FENCING ACADEMY in view. I made my way out of my car, fencing bag in hand, but not before giving my mom a hug and unbuckling myself from the pilot seat.

"Have fun, honey!" My mom yelled as I walked toward the school doors. I waved as she left.

I walked in the academy, the cool blast of the air conditioner making contact with my skin. The all-too-familiar scent made its way through my system. It felt right. It felt like home.

"Kori! Over here!" My best friend here yelled from across the room.

"Hana, shush," I motioned for her to be quiet as I neared her.

"Sorry, couldn't help it," she shrugged, black hair moving past her shoulders. Beads of sweat were already dripping from her forehead to the ground because she had already started to fence.

We were allowed to fence a bit before our coach would call us all together to start some drill or announce a competition. I put on my fencing gear in the locker room, then headed to the sparring area. I sparred with Hana for a bit, until I heard the loud shriek of coach's whistle. "Gather around, gather around," he bellowed loudly.

We sat in a semi-circle at coach's feet, falling silent as he opened his mouth to speak. "Okay kids, today we have some new students. Please treat them well. Everyone, please welcome Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase."

We all gave them a warm round of applause and some welcoming gestures for the two teens that stood by coach's side.  "They look fit," Hana whispered to me.

"Okay, now we're going to see how well they do," coach shushed everyone. "Justin, up you go." He motioned for our most skilled fighters to spar with the two teens.

"Coach, that's unfair! They're newbies, Justin has been fencing for years!" a fellow student yelled.

Coach just narrowed his eyes. "Whatever," he muttered.

Percy, the boy, grabbed a sword from the rack and tried it out. He nodded in satisfaction and went up to Justin. They started to spar.

I was on the edge of my seat (If the ground is a seat). I have never seen such an interesting sparring match! Percy was amazing, his stance was flawless and his defense was perfection. Annabeth just watched in the sidelines, a smirk appearing on her face. They both were really good!

After the match, which Percy ended up winning by the way, coach was so amazed by the newbies that he assigned them to teach us some tricks. Annabeth approached Hana and I and she taught us things that I hadn't learned before in the school.  Both her and Percy were extremely friendly and adorable (together ;-)). They promised to visit quite often and bring some of their friends who were skilled in fencing too.

After training, my mom picked me up, a small smile on her face. I opened the car door  excitedly, sweating due to practice. "What are you smiling at?" I asked her, chuckling. She grinned even wider. "Nothing," she mumbled. I just sighed and turned away.

Once I got home, I dropped my bag on my bedroom floor and collapsed on my bed. Ahh... I felt something underneath me. It felt like paper. I stood up to find an envelope laying under me.

I ripped it open. I screamed. EXO tickets. V.I.P. I ran down to find my mom serving lunch and I hugged her. "Thanks, mom. I love you," I said, giddy with excitement.

She chuckled. "Well, I don't hear that very often," she laughed. "Plus your dad chipped in. These tickets were expensive, you know."

I jumped in surprise. "Dad?! You're talking to him again?" I always wished my parents would get back together.

She nodded. "We have been seeing each other for a while now."

I could hardly keep in my surprise and happiness. That was even better than my EXO tickets. I smiled, hugging my mom tighter. "Thanks mom."

(A/N: I would like to thank TheSkySoceress for the character. Ciao! )

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