Aimee Sylvester

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(A/N: Hey guys! Just so you know this is my first story. No flames please! :-D. Enjoy!)


Hi, this is Aimee Sylvester. I was just at Barnes and Nobles which is like, my favorite place in the mall. I was browsing through the YA section, and not to mention, kicking the Crown as well (Why did you kick out Kile?????), when I heard something.

"Seaweed Brain! We can take our time," a female voice exclaimed.

"Well Wise Girl, I beg to differ. I think being punctual to a movie is good manners," a male's voice replied.

"Well, it's just a movie. And books are better than movies. When did you get better at debating, Perce?" The girl asked.

"I don't know," the boy replied.

I rummaged through the shelf, trying to get a good look at them.

"The book better than the movie? That's an absolute crime!" The boy's voice cried.

I finally saw them. They were adorable!

The girl was reading a book while the boy played with her hair. He braided her honey blond ringlets, focusing on it carefully with his sea green eyes. My hair was similar. It was more auburn though. He paused for a moment, then ran a hand through his jet black hair.

"Annabeth, I do not want to be late for X-Men: Apocalypse!" The boy huffed.

"Fine, Percy," the girl sighed.

She shut her book and was about to place it back on the shelf, when her gray eyes landed on me.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help but notice!" I scrambled back immediately. The girl just chuckled and shook her head.

She turned to the guys and said something in another language. He responded with an exasperated sigh and a 'Can you blame me?' look.

She turned back to me and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Annabeth, and this is airhead here is Percy," she said.

They both were pretty attractive,  but the guy wasn't my type. They were both a few years older than I was, maybe 17 or 18.

I smiled sheepishly. "I'm Aimee. Aimee Sylvester."

Annabeth glanced at my hand. I was carrying Legend by Marie Lu.

"You have good taste," she said. She walked to the shelf and slid her book back in.

I looked down and blushed.

"Well, Aimee, Annabeth and I have a movie to get to. See you around!" Percy said, giving me a wave and pulling Annabeth out of the bookstore.

I waved back. The door shut with a tinkling sound.

I looked down and pretended to be busy to mask my embarrassment. When it was time to go, I bought Legend and left Barnes and Nobles with a thought.

'What language were they speaking in?'

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