Sylvia Freire

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Bonne journée! Je suis Sylvia Freire. Good day! I am Sylvia Freire. I am a transfer student from France.

My mom suggested for me to go to an educational cruise ship in America. "Aller en Amérique, chéri!" Was what she said to me. Now I am here entering the cruise.

" Bonjour, mademoiselle!" A man greeted me as I walked in. He must be the French intern. " Merci! Savez-vous oú je pourrais trouver Ms. Finn? " I asked. " C'est par lé!" He lead me to a door with a golden plaque saying 'Ms. Finn'.

"Merci! " I thanked him. I knocked on the door. " Est-ce que Ms. Finn est ici?" I asked. " Je suis ici!" She said back. I opened the door and saw a beautiful woman sitting with two teens. She was the international intern manager of the ship. " Attendez une minute et je suis á vous!" She politely nodded her head and continued talking to the two teens in Greek. " Σας Πρόγραμμα Και Κάρτες Δωμάτιο Είναι εδώ. Έχετε μια καλή μέρα!" She smiled handing them kits. " Σας ευχαριστώ!" They both replied.

"Je suppose que tu est Sylvia?" She asked me. I asked her about the two teens she was talking to. She also gave me a kit.

Later, I bumped into the two teens. " Sorry!" The girl apologized. "Do not worry. 'Zit is fine. I am French. Sorry if moi English iz bad," I assured them.

"Hi! I am Katie Gardner and this guy is Travis Stoll," the girl smiled. " Well I am Sylvia Freire. Nize to meet zyou!" I shook Katie's hand.

They were very nice and I enjoyed the cruise with them. Adieu!

Bonne journée- Good day.
Je suis- I am

Aller en Amérique, chéri- Go to America, darling

Bonjour, mademoiselle-Welcome, miss

Merci!  Savez-vous je pourrais trouver Ms. Finn?-Thank you! Do you know where I can find Ms. Finn?

C'est par lé- Right this way

Merci- Thank you

Est-ce que Ms. Finn est ici?- Excuse me! Is Ms. Finn here?

Je suis ici- I am here

Attendez une minute et je suis á vous!- Just wait a minute and I will get to you!

Σας Πρόγραμμα Και Κάρτες Δωμάτιο Είναι εδώ. Έχετε μια καλή μέρα!- Your schedule and room cards are in here. Have a good day!

Σας ευχαριστώ!- Thank you!

Je suppose tu que tu est Sylvia?- I suppose you are Sylvia?

Adieu!- Farewell!

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