。 Chapter 17 ~ small fight...

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When I said that Wooyoung nodded and then that man said that the men come and now we are surrounded by them. Then when we were about to start fighting. Someone said...

???: "Don't forget about us."

When the person said that me and Wooyoung looked at the person and it was... Hongjoong! We both smiled then I realized something. How did he know we needed help for him to come? Then Wooyoung slightly touched me and showed me his phone.

Then I nodded. Then they came towards us. They as in Hongjoong, Seonghwa, San, Yeosang, Mingi, Yunho and Jongho. They all had guns in their hands. Me, Kevin, Renjun and Jisoo are new comers with these things. But they weren't here only me. San had 2 guns and then he came towards me and gave me one. Then I looked at him and he said...

San: "Hold this... and when it's time you can use it to protect yourself."

Yeosang: "Lets hope that you don't have to use it."

Mingi: "Yeah. Now let's get this fight started!"

When Mingi said that the man commanded the other men to get us. Then everyone started fighting. I was actually fighting too. Yes I might be wearing a dress and I might wear girly stuff but I know how to fight. And yes I have shorts under my dress. I always wear shorts under my dress. Anyways I was fighting and Wooyoung was shocked and so was everyone else beside Seonghwa, Yeosang and San. Then Yunho yelled...

Yunho: "When did you learn how to fight?!"

Me: "Umm I'll explain later."

Seonghwa: "Yeah and so will we."

Wooyoung: "Yeah y'all better."

When Wooyoung said that San and Yeosang nodded and then we all continued fighting. When I was fighting my guy just go knock out by me. And I looked over at Wooyoung and saw that the guy was also knocked down but he got a knife out of his pockets and then he was about to stab Wooyoung and so I took out my gun and shot that guy and he fell. Then Wooyoung came to me and said...

Wooyoung: "Thank you Angel!"

Me: "No problem at all."

When I said that he hugged me and I dropped my gun. Then I had a bad feeling about something so I started looking around and everyone's guys was knocked down. The boys and I actually have bruises on ourselves. Then I saw the man that San fighting got back up and San was facing us so that made that guy behind him. That guy got up and with a knife in his hand and I ran to him and said....

Me: "Sannie! Move!"

When I said that I ran towards him and pushed San out of the way. Then I got stabbed on my ribs and I was falling but San caught me. Then San said...

San: "Sweetheart!! Are you okay?!

When San said that it got everyone's attention and Jongho was the closest so he came and punched the man in the face. Then Wooyoung ran to me and asked if I was alright and I nodded then Hongjoong asked that man...

Hongjoong: "Now you all tell us! Who sent you here?!"

Man: "We were sent by an old friends of your Mr. Jung. Come on guys let's leave. Mission accomplished."

Wooyoung: "What the hell do you mean mission accomplished?!"

Man: "We'll sir we were sent here to kill Miss over here." *pointed at you* "oh my the way your old friend is a girl."

When that man said that Wooyoung knew who it was and so did the others and they were all very pissed especially Wooyoung but he can't do anything now because you were laying on San's lap bleeding. Then suddenly the men's who were alive all left only 4 for them were dead. Then San said...

San: "Sweetheart! Why you do that?!"

Me: "Because I know how much you hate being in the hospital." *weakly smiled*

San: "Aish! You idiot! I rather be in the hospital instead of you."

Me: "Well it's too late now... but I rather be in it instead of seeing one of y'all in it... don't worry I'm fine..."

Wooyoung: "You are not fine!! Where in the world is this f*cking ambulance?!"

When Wooyoung said that he was definitely pissed I wanted to calm him but I can't comfort him because I couldn't move. Then San looked at me and shook his head then I looked upside down at Hongjoong and Hongjoong looked at me and I pointed towards Wooyoung who was actually pissed and walking back and forth. Then Hongjoong nodded and he told Seonghwa and both of them went and comfort him. Then the ambulance finally came and when they did I blacked out.

{ San's P.O.V }

When the ambulance finally came Hana suddenly went blacked out. Then I yelled and said....

Me: "Hana!! Sweetheart!! Wake up please!"

When I said that the paramedics got her on that bed and I was standing right there crying. Then Yeosang got me away from her and comfort me. Then he said...

Yeosang: "Everything will be okay."

Me: "I hope so... she's my precious angel."

Yeosang: "Yeah I know. You both are friends since you were little."

When Yeosang said that I weakly smiled because I remembered that Hana was my first friend. Meaning even though she's my cousin she has alway been there for me like a sister I never had. And that this girl means a lot to us.

{ Time Skip } { Author nim's P.O.V }

After a few hours later, The Doctor came out with a nurse next to him and Wooyoung was the first to come to him. Then the nurse said...

Nurse: "Omg I can't believe it's Mr. Jung Wooyoung!!"

When the nurse was fangirling. Wooyoung ignored her and went to the doctor and said...

Wooyoung: "How's my fiancée doctor?"

Doctor: "Well-..."

Nurse: "What that girl is your fiancée?! She's so ugly! You can way better."

San: "What?! Did you just say?!"

When the nurse said that both San and Wooyoung were pissed. And everyone else was too. Hongjoong was holding Wooyoung back and Yeosang was holding San back too. Then Wooyoung said...

Wooyoung: "Doctor? You don't know what I can do if you don't take her away from me and my family."

When he said that he pointed at the nurse and she was about to say something but then the doctor said...

Doctor: "I'm sorry sir. Nurse! You may leave and go do your work."

Nurse: "But-..."

Doctor: "Now!!"

When the doctor said that the nurse looked at them. Wooyoung, San, Hongjoong and Seonghwa was pissed and the others were calming them down. But then Jongho looked at her and stick out his tongue. Then she left and the doctor said...

{ To be continued... }

His one & only girl ~ Ateez Wooyoung { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now