Chapter 21: What an interesting turn of events

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As I looked around, I saw that I was surrounded by criminals ranking from low life thugs to villains who have killed a pro hero or two.

'Oh, I'm so not in the mood to fight these fuckers. Why is it when I'm pissed off is when they strike!' I thought to myself quite aggravated.

The group of criminals started to talk, creating a deep toned murmur. I sat up and tried to look around the general area that I was in, but I couldn't see anything since I was so short; well even shorter since I was sitting and everyone was standing. I tried to move my hands but they were tied. I then tried to teleport back home but I couldn't for some reason.

'What the hell did they use on me? Maybe a quirk tranquilizer? Hmm, that's the only way that would be possible unless someone has the same quirk as Aizawa.' I thought to myself as I tried to come up with a plan.

I was even more pissed off now since I was tired still, had no quirk, and now I was hungry, and I mean beyond hungry. I was starving, literally. Every time my stomach growled I winced in pain. Yeah, that may not be normal but it is for me for how my eating schedule is and it is nearing the time to eat.

While I was coming up with a plan as to how to get out of this predicament, I heard Shigaraki's rough voice over the loud hoodlums. "Good, you're awake. Now let's try this again." He walked closer to me, causing the circle around me to disperse and giving room for Shigaraki and I to talk. "So, join my team. I could use someone of your skill to be on my side." He paused before adding, "But before you make a choice, I want you to defeat my new Nomu."

"How in the hell do you expect me to defeat a stronger Nomu when I don't even have a quirk?" I said quite irritated.

"That's the point." He said, sounding entertained. "It will be interesting to watch. If you survive you can make the choice if you want to join me or not and whatever you pick, I'll leave it at that. So if you don't want to join me, fine. At least I'll know what I can improve on with the Nomu."

"But I don't have a quirk." I said angrily, gritting my teeth.

He untied my hands then walked off. Just as he walked out of sight, a big door opened up and a large behemoth staggered out.

'Holy fuck! Is that the Nomu I have to defeat? I'm gonna die!'

Well, about time. It was (not) nice knowing you while you were alive. But, just for good measures, you should just die right away and make it quick.

'I could do that or I could try first. Even if it did kill me I wouldn't die. Shit! I don't have my quirks so I wouldn't have the one that prevents me from dying. I would die!'


The beast staggered towards me while I just stood there, debating how I should strike. Now that everyone was out of my way and allowing me space to look around even more, it looked like I was in an abandoned warehouse. The windows were too high up and the big door was locked by a chain. There must be a regular door somewhere though. I looked around faster, looking for a place that would look like it would have a door. I sniffed the air.

'Is that salt water? Am I near the old safe house?'

My memory then shoots to the layout of the old safe house.

'Holy shit, it looks to be the same layout!'

I then think of a plan.

'If I run up stairs, climb the ladder and onto the roof I may be able to jump across to the next building.'

I looked ahead to see the behemoth Nomu is just a few yards from me. I then look over to the stairs to see if anyone was there, and no one was. There was absolutely no one in my way. Now's the time to make a run for it. I quickly raced towards the staircase and climbed it, but as soon as I made it to the first landing, I somehow got flung back to the arena where the Nomu was standing. I landed with a thud, knocking the wind out of me and causing me to cough and wheeze. I also just happened to land at the feet of the beast. It picked me up by my hair as if I were to be its plaything. I inhaled sharply through my gritting teeth and just as I did, it tossed me towards a stack of crates. Upon impact, a few crates shattered into splinters, along with a rib or two, I think. I let out a yelp of pain when I hit them, then tried to get up, but many splinters of wood got lodged in under my skin, making it annoyingly painful to move.

Between the time I made impact with the crates and when I tried to get up, the Nomu already made its way towards me, but with great speed this time. It picked me up again but by my neck, squeezing it tightly before throwing me again. This time there wasn't anything in the way, just a concrete wall. When I crashed into the wall I heard the crunch of bones breaking, yet I didn't feel any pain. It must have been because of adrenaline. I looked up from where I was lying to see the beast just standing there as if it was waiting for me to return. I got up slowly and made my way cautiously towards it. I thought that since I wasn't in pain and it's not moving, now's my chance to see if I could make it budge.

I took a step back, clenched up my fist the best I could, and tried to land a punch with all of my strength. I hit it in the middle of its torso. It staggered backwards for a few steps before losing balance and falling.

'I knew lifting weights would pay off!'

It got back up, and with speed it was back in front of me. With one swift reciprocated punch to the face, I was sent flying once again. Instead of letting out just a little yelp, I let out an entire yell from both pain and fear. Once I put a dent in the tin wall, I just laid there for a moment, watching my vision go from clear to slightly blurry, back to clear. It took me a minute or so to get up. As soon as I did, I felt the trickle of blood start to stream from my nose. I rubbed my forehead since my head was now pounding worse than ever. At this point I was no longer angry or hungry or tired, I was just ready to be swept up in the arms of death and sleep for an eternity.

Now's your chance! DIE!

I tried once more, hobbling ever so slowly back towards the beast that was waiting for my arrival.

'Why won't it come at me?'

Once I got close enough, it punched me in the chest, sending me up towards the rusted out ceiling and back down to where I laid for a great spell. I slowly closed my eyes since they were too heavy now and I could no longer keep them open.

I all of a sudden heard a distant voice, "Is that all? Is the great Blank finished?" The voice paused then spoke again, but sounded closer this time, "I would have thought you would have tried harder. What a shame, you're so young, yet you die here."

I then heard the feet of the Nomu stomping closer and closer. When I figured that it was about two yards away, I started to think, 'I wonder what I would be doing if I was at home right now? Who would notice that I'd be gone? Who would genuinely miss me? My last meal was just a few nibbles of sushi and I didn't even enjoy it. I wasn't able to tell Toshinori thank you for all that he's done for me, or sorry again to Aizawa for letting him get injured, or able to help Midoriya again when he truly needs it.' I let out a sigh. 'I'm ready, I won't put up a fight, death.'

When I figured again how far he was. I thought he was about a yard from me when I heard a crash of tin panels fall, followed by a thud, then a familiar voice.

"Where are you, Y/N?!" It rang out in the silence of the building. "Shigaraki! Come out!"

'All Might?' I thought.

I mustered up enough strength to open my eyes. Just as I did, I saw the beast turn around and move quite fast towards the voice compared to its original pace. My vision wasn't clear, it was more dark and blurry; it probably didn't help that my glasses were shattered. I already have unusually terrible eyesight. I already need to wear contacts with my glasses. In the fight my contacts fell out from the impact when I hit the wall.

When I looked in the direction of the voice, I saw nothing but darkened blobs of color. I was able to make out colors of All Might's hero costume.

'I am saved!'

I then closed my eyes again. Just as I did, I heard him yell to me, "Are you able to move?!" in a worried tone.

I opened my eyes once again and said in the loudest voice I could do, which just so happened to be a whisper since my throat was slightly crushed, "I-I'm f-fine". Just as I was in the middle of speaking, my eyes closed. I couldn't speak or move anymore. Though, just before I lost consciousness I felt great relief as if something I once lost was returned back to me. Then everything went dark, quiet, and cold.

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