Chapter 110: A Tiny Party

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When the taxi came to a stop, Toshinori paid for the fare before joining me on the sidewalk. I then followed silently behind him into the huge building. My heart was racing and I was sure that it was banging so loud in my chest that everyone within the city was able to hear it. I then remembered that I had to do hero duty after school, so as soon as I were to get done there, I was going to go straight back to the main station and start my shift. Since it was Friday, I then was planning to listen to Yamada's radio station while I was working.

After walking forever, we made it to the head chiefs office, which I have never been to though I've met the guy. Toshi knocked on the door, which we then waited for a response. After a few seconds of waiting, the door opened.

"Ahh, All Might, Blank, perfect timing! Come in, have a seat." the head chief said as he invited us into his office.

As we walked in, I still followed behind Toshi. I looked around to notice how huge and spacious the office was. I for some reason thought that it was going to be the size of Nezu's office, but this was bigger than a classroom. The whole outside wall was a window, so it was super bright in there. The two of us took a seat in the chairs on the other side of the desk after the head chief took a seat for himself.

"Sorry to call you two here on such short notice, but I'm sure you've already heard the exciting news, Blank." The head chief said with a smile, "To be sure though that you know, I'd like to inform you that you have won the vote for the number one pro hero." Toshi looked to me with a smile.

When I heard that, my heart sank instead of fill with joy. I didn't want to become that, but now I have no choice. I cannot decline, so I must deal with it. I knew that I mustn't show my unhappiness, so I faked my expression.

I threw on a big fake smile that was somewhat presentable and said in a happy tone, "Thank you so much..." I tried to act like I couldn't think of anything, "I...I don't know what to say. I'm at a loss of words."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that you're happy with receiving that title." the boss man said with a smile before adding, "Tomorrow, at noon sharp, there will be a press conference about the title being passed on. You two and the final nominees will be there. They will be there for recognition while this will mainly be about you two." He paused for a few seconds. "That should be all other than you, Blank, having to come up with a short speech that will have to be presented tomorrow. Other than that, that's all. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask me or my receptionist." We both nodded our heads, which he then stood up, and we followed. "Well then, see you two tomorrow." He said as he shook Toshi's hand, then pushed his hand towards me. "I'll be looking forward to hearing the speech that you come up with." He said with a smile as I shook his hand.

We then left his office. I was in a state of shock and panic. I didn't want to do this. I did not want to do this so badly. I now have to give a speech in front of the whole world pretty much and try to keep my shit together all at the same time. By the time that we got out of the building, school was already over for an hour or so.

"I can teleport you to your apartment so you can save on money." I suggested.

He smiled, "It's fine, I planned on someone to pick us up." He then began to look around the parking lot. Once he found who he was looking for, he gave a wave.

A familiar looking car pulled up to the sidewalk in front of the building. I got in after Toshi. We then buckled in and waited for the driver to put the car in drive. Just then the driver turned around and wore a huge smile.

"Congrats, Y/N, on winning the number one hero position!" Yamada said joyously.

I threw on a sloppy smile, "Thanks."

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