Chapter 30: It's all coming together

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I turned off the alarm that was going off on my phone. I had set an alarm for six o'clock so then I could get an early start at unpacking since I didn't do any yesterday. I then got out of bed and for a moment I was unsure of my surroundings, but then I remembered where I was; my new home. I climb down the spiral staircase and into the attached bathroom to freshen up and to change into my everyday wear; sweatpants and a hoodie. Once I finished getting ready, I decided that I should make myself breakfast...then I should also make Aizawa and Mic breakfast too, but if I don't then I'll make lunch or dinner.

I then look around in the pile of boxes for the one that says 'kitchen'. After moving boxes for a few minutes I finally found it. I took my pan, a plate, a cup, a small pot, and silverware, then walked to the kitchen. Since I had food from my apartment, they let me store it in their pantry and fridge. Once I made it there, I opened the fridge to grab my eggs. I set the pan on the burner of the stove and let it heat up along with my pot of water while I went to the pantry to get my instant oatmeal. By the time I got the lid off of the oatmeal cup, the frying pan was hot enough to fry the egg. While the egg was frying, the pot of water started to boil so I added it to my oatmeal and stirred it in along with a little brown sugar. While my egg was frying, I guess I was so loud that I woke someone. I heard footsteps approach then a groggy voice. I turned around as soon I heard a peep.

"Yo, Y/N, what are you doing up so early?" Mic asked as he rubbed the back of his neck as if it hurt. His hair was a mess and it looked odd to see him without the speaker around his neck.

'Wow, I almost didn't recognize Mic. If he were to bump into me on the street, I wouldn't know that it was him.'

"Oh, I'm sorry. Was I making too much noise?" I asked then turned towards the egg, then flopped it onto a plate.

He then said as he waved a hand, "No, no, you're fine. I'm a light sleeper so I wake up to the slightest of sounds."

"Oh, I'll keep that in mind when I'm walking about at night." I paused as I picked up my plate and cup of oatmeal, then I answered his earlier question, "Umm, to answer your question, I decided to get up this early so then I could get an early start at unpacking."

He nodded his head once slowly as he said, "Ahh. Okay, I see." He then added as he turned towards their room, "Well then, have fun with that. I'm going back to bed." He then finished off his sentence with a yawn.

When he only took a few steps I quickly added, "Hey, I'll make lunch...or supper. Depending on when you guys want to eat I'll make something, just let me know, please."

He then stopped and said over his shoulder, "Sounds great...I'll let Sho know when he wakes up."

"Thank you, Mic." I said as I set my breakfast on the table.

He stopped once again but turned towards me this time. "Hey, since you'll be living here, you can call me Yamada. Seems only right, right?" He finished with a tired smile.

As I stand next to the table I say, "Yeah...well then, see you later." He then started walking back to his bedroom and shut the door behind him. I sat down at the table and just as I did I realized that I didn't have anything to drink. I then walked back to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of what little orange juice I had left. I walked back to the table with my glass of juice, sat down and started to eat.

You shouldn't eat so much. You'll get even fatter.

'Thanks. I know that already but this will be the only thing that I'll eat for the next few days'

Alright then. Also, you better clean your dishes.

'No shit Sherlock.'

You should just kill your self since you are imposing on two peoples lives. Just be sure to do it elsewhere. They don't need you finishing the job here in their house.

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