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          Min Yoongi sits, stretching his tired limbs. It's only been about two hours since his shift began, but he already feels the call of sleep. Just as he is about to doze off, the service phone on his desk rings, breaking him from his trance and nearly scaring him. He rushes to pick up the device before speaking groggily into the phone.

          "Min Yoongi," he states as a form of greeting. The person on the other end is his boss asking on his progress with his current assignment. Yoongi is the number one detective in his department and just so happens to have the most daunting task. For months now, he has been on the hunt for a quite popular mafia leader. "Mr. Jeon" is what everyone including the police calls him and to be honest, being that well known seems a little scary to the detective.

          "Sorry, I haven't found anything as of yet. For someone so popular, he's surprisingly difficult to track down," Yoongi mumbles, irritated. For the next five minutes, yelling rings on the other end of the phone. Great... now he only has a week left to find him before he loses the assignment. It's not like he would be demoted or anything, but if the best detective in Seoul can't find him, who can? Yoongi is less concerned with the mark it would leave on his record and more with just the fact that he lost. Min Yoongi hates losing. He's not competitive, but still loves the feeling of accomplishment and finds not achieving anything absolutely atrocious. That does sound like competitiveness, but call it what you want.

            As the call reaches its close, Yoongi gives a lazy farewell, hangs up, and releases a long held in sigh. He still has another six hours before he can legally go home, but even then he would still be working. There isn't a whole lot of time to relax when he still doesn't even have a hint as to the whereabouts of this so called "Mr. Jeon". Stretching out his legs one last time, he leans forward and begins typing away on his computer.


           The annoying tune chims from the grandfather clock in Yoongi's office, signaling another hour has past. His last, thankfully. As he stands up, it feels like nearly every bone in his body is creaking in protest. With a few dissatisfied pops, the detective finally exits the building, gets into his Audi R8 (gifted to him by his rich best friend last Christmas), and starts the long drive home.


          "I'm home!" Yoongi shouts to his cat, Lellow. Right as he is about to place his work bag down, the doorbell rings. Cursing under his breath, he swivels around and opens the door. A mailman stands before him with what seems like a letter.

           "Delivery for Min Yoongi?" the man states to which Yoongi nods in curiosity. Saying nothing else, he shoves the envelope in Yoongi's hand and storms off the front porch. Just to be safe, Yoongi shakes the contents before opening the envelope. A fine brown powder comes off on his hands which makes him jump. He gently moves his hand up to his face and tries to figure out the smell of the powder. Coffee? With another confused expression, he opens up the envelope to find, sure enough, a letter with a packet of coffee powder lazily stapled to the top. The letter reads:

          Mr. Min,

          We graciously invite you to the Jeon mansion to share a few words with Mr. Jeon. We ask that you bring no weapons and stay away from the properties of the house. You are to head to the address at the end of this letter and meet in the dining hall. Dress in your finest outfit and save all of your questions for the meeting itself. Absence is unexceptable. Not attending will mean that you are our enemy and as a detective, you probably know how we treat our enemies. To insure that it is indeed you that appears, we collected all existing files on you and will shoot anyone that does not match your features. If information gets out about this meeting, you will not make it to your next shift. We are aware that tomorrow is your only day off. Therefore, we expect you at the mansion by noon. Refrain from being late and by all means, bring the coffee.

          Address: xxxxx xxx xxx xxxxxx


                                                                                                               Jeon Family

          Yoongi flips the letter over, but he only sees a blank page. The message does not seem to have any ill intentions. Well, other than the direct threat. Looking back at the front of the letter, a chill runs down his spine. There seems to be no other option than to attend this "meeting". The detective isn't usually one to get spooked, but honestly, the thought of coming face to face with the mysterious "Mr. Jeon" seems terrifying. In another way, it also seems exciting, because this could be just the lead he needs.

Finding Mr. Jeon (Yoonkook)Where stories live. Discover now