"Meetings and Introductions"

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          The Jeon mansion is actually farther away from town than any of the detectives at the office have been guessing, miles upon miles so. When Yoongi finally arrives, he parks his car on the side of the road, drops all of his tools in the backseat, locks the doors, and starts his walk up to the large front gate that stands tall at the entrance to the mansion's front yard. Strangely enough, there seems to be no guards out front and to any other person it would look like any normal house for the rich. As he approaches the tall iron bars, the gate immediately opens, causing Yoongi to jump back in shock. Shaking off his surprise, he goes further toward the mansion itself.

            As Yoongi raises his fist to knock on the front door, it swings wide open, revealing two tall, strong men. So that's where the guards were, Yoongi thinks. No words are exchanged between any of them. Instead, the men just take Yoongi's coat and leave. Yoongi stares after them in confusion and tries to follow them to see where they go. All he ends up doing, though, is finding himself in a hallway full of doors. 

          "What have I gotten myself into this time," he says and lets out an exasperated sigh. He begins trying each of the doors in hopes that he will find his way to either Mr. Jeon or someone who knows where he needs to go. He doesn't seem to have any luck as most of the doors are locked. The guards that he met at the entrance are no where to be found.

           Yoongi turns to head back to the front of the mansion, when a door to his left opens. A tall and thin man walks out of one of the rooms and Yoongi quickly shoves himself toward the stairwell behind him.

           "You know, you really ought to be more quiet if you plan to be sneaking around this kind of place," the man states without looking at him. Yoongi's eyes widen, but he quickly hides his expression, stands up from his crouching position, and slowly approaches the man.

           "Are you going to tell me who you are, or are things going to get rough?" the man speaks again.

           "You could've asked nicely. Although, what's to be expected from the mafia." Yoongi retorts.

           The man's gaze turns dark when he looks at Yoongi as he says "Name, now."

           "F-Fine. Yoongi. Min Yoongi." Yoongi stupidly followed directions and left his gun in car so he'd rather not get himself into any fights right now.

           The man's expression immediately falters.

           "Y-Yoongi?! The Min Yoongi?"

           "Yes, what of it?"

           "I thought you'd be taller..."

           The man soon realizes his mistake when Yoongi's face becomes stern.

           "S-Sorry. I assume you're looking for Mr. Jeon."

           "Indeed. Do you know where he is?"

           "Sure do. Right this way. Name's Namjoon by the way. You might see me a lot around here."

           Yoongi wants to question what he means by that, but it doesn't look like Namjoon plans to open his mouth as they just reached the dining hall.

           There, Mr. Jeon sits at the head of the table with his arms crossed over his chest. Honestly, he looks rather young for a "scary" mafia boss. He couldn't be over twenty in Yoongi's opinion. As Yoongi steps further into the room, Mr. Jeon rises and begins to pull out the chair around the corner of the table next to him. As he stands up, Yoongi notices that he is wearing rather expensive clothing. A fine tuxedo fits perfectly to his proportions. Yoongi, however, simply wears a black leather jacket over a white button-up with matching leather pants.

          Maintaining his composure, the detective calmly sits down as Mr. Jeon returns to his seat. As Yoongi opens his mouth to speak, Jeon quickly raises his hand.

          "We do not speak until the food has arrived," he states to which Yoongi slightly nods. Mr. Jeon's voice is surprisingly clear and isn't actually all that deep. He's definitely young, just as I thought. Two minutes pass and two chefs come in from what Yoongi assumes is the kitchen and set two large platters full of food down. They prepared everything from small appetizers to big meaty dishes. Mr. Jeon serves himself some steak and a bit of salad. Yoongi does the same.

          "You can eat whatever you like. Now, let's get this discussion under way." Mr. Jeon then immediately starts cutting into his food. A couple minutes of silence pass, the only sound being the clacking of Jeon's silverware as Yoongi's remains on the table. He stares across the table awkwardly until the other clears his throat.

          "So, I hear you're the best at what you do. Is that correct?" Jeon questions.

          "Um, I suppose," Yoongi responds.

          "Good, because I need your skills. Before I tell you any further details, let me introduce you to how we run things around here." As soon as the words leave his mouth, Mr. Jeon raises his hand once again and points forward. Immediately four armed men come into the room. As two go for Yoongi, he kicks his chair towards them and manages to fight them off quite well. Mr. Jeon sits still, watching the scene before him. With another raise of his hand, the other two men storm toward Yoongi and tackle him. He hits the ground with a grunt of pain and is lifted by one of the guards to face Mr. Jeon.

        "You will be staying here for the time being. You will attend work as usual, but will return here everyday. We will have your personal belongings brought to one of the empty rooms upstairs. Please behave and by all means, enjoy your stay."


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