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I woke up because of the morningsun shining through the curtains. I rubbed my eyes and saw Luke still sleeping peacefully next to me. I kissed his cheek and he woke up.

"Hey..." he said with a sleepy voice.

"Hi good morning" i replied.

I stepped out of bed when Luke suddenly grabbed my waist and I fell back onto the bed.

"Don't go. Just cuddle with me for 5 more minutes."

"I'm going to make breakfast"

"It's just 5 minutes. Pleasee" he pouted.

I couldn't resist his cuteness so i decided to go in on his request.

"5 more minutes ok."

"Okay" he smiled proudly.

~1 hour later~

"Dam it. I knew it. Luke wake up" I said.

"What?" He asked confused.

"5 more minutes... well it's 1 hour later"

He laughed.

"I'm going downstairs to make breakfast."

"I'm going to take a shower" he said.


~10 min later~

I was making pancakes when i heard Luke walking down the stairs. He came to me and gave me a backhug.

"You smell good" I said.

"So do the pancakes"

I laughed at his comment.

We were sitting on the table when Luke asked me something.



"Do you still love jungkook" he asked me.

"What! No! Luke...i only love you. I promise."

He smiled sweetly and kissed me.

~2 months later~

Me and Luke walked in the shopping streets when we suddenly saw him again.


"Why do we always see him when we're out" I said to Luke.

"Just ignore him " he said.

We walked past him , when he suddenly grapped my wrist.

"Hey!" I shouted.

"DON'T TOUCH HER" Luke screamed at Jungkook.

"Chill i just want to talk" he answered.

"There is nothing to talk about jungkook ." I said.

"Please Nikkie."

"Okay but not to long"

"Are u sure?" Luke asked me.


He nodded and me and Jungkook went for a walk while Luke waited on a bench.

"So what did you wanted to tell me" I asked jungkook.

"It's been a while." He started.

"Yes, you've changed. A lot"

"I know. Well I don't have to care about my girlfriend anymore. Because I know that she doens't like my new look" he looked at me.

And to be honest. Yes, I don't really like his new look. With his tattoos and his hair. He knows me well.

"How is he"

"What" I asked.

"How is Luke? Is he taking good care of you?"

"Yes he does"

"Better than me?"


"I'm sorry Nikkie. I just miss you. I know that I've asked you a hundred times but I still don't know the reason why you left me"

"I told you! It just didn't worked out for us."

"What do you mean? We were happy"

"Yes. We WERE. It's the past Jungkook. Just let it go. Let me go..."

"Since when are u so cold?"

"I'm not"

"Guess I'm not the only one who has changed"

"Maybe it's for the better. Bye Jungkook"

I walked away back to Luke. I didn't said anything to him and we just walked home.

A/n note: I'm sorry that it took so long but there happend a lot in my life and I was kinda doubting if I should write further on this book. I'm not an Army anymore but I'm still going to finish this book.

I hope you have a nice day/night.

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